Why the fascination with ED?

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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I can't believe the number of junk e-mails that show up in my trash folder from people trying to sell ED products/cures. There's a reason old men have this problem...it's called old women. :D:lol::rolleyes:
At least the emails don't feature 30 seconds of some loserly "men" coming on and talking about how their ED was cured by some pill.

No Real Man comes _from_ a box.

Granted the ads are over the top,But ED is a real medical effliction, caused by reduced blood flow, not only to the insemenator, but to all parts of the body.

and Kevin, in 30 yrs you will be amazed as to what you may be taking out of a box.
Most doctors would say that ED is caused partly by being overweight. The same plaque that clogs arteries, clogs other blood vessels as well.

Also, a female friend once told one of my overweight male friends he had no chance, because "Nothing grows in the shade". :lol:
"Nothing grows in the shade".

That's hilarious, and a great burn :D

If you're sedentary, like most males today, you're going to have crappy circulation, which means that the blood can't get down to where you want it, and that you're going to have small results....a seedling instead of a tree.

So instead of taking medicine with nasty side effects to fix the problem for you, get off your butt and do some cardio. This is the problem with America today--no one wants to work for anything, it should all be done for us.

Blame it on age, blame it on what you like, but you know that they're all excuses for laziness.

Any man who doesn't have pride in his own MANhood, the pride to work dilligently and ferverently to better it, is not a man at all.

Just read an article in Maxim on that, it basically said that everything you do that is good for your heart is good for Mr. Happy and everything that is bad for your heart is also bad for Mr. Happy.
Nice pun bill, considering the topic. If you didn't try for that pun, I give you even more props :D

I'll take it as a compliment. Thanks :)

Most doctors would say that ED is caused partly by being overweight. The same plaque that clogs arteries, clogs other blood vessels as well.

i know plenty of skinny guys that could not get a woody if they used two popsicle sticks and duct tape.

The scientific community creats a hysteria about those overweight. I can work just as hard and long as a "fit" person, many of the skinny guys I work with can not keep up with me. I am considered obese to boot.

Skinny isn't really healthy either....it is the opposite end of the spectrum of obese, and it is just as bad.

(obese used above in the health-community sense)

There are plenty of guys with fat that looks like they drank a brewery dry and can rival a bakery for rolls that are in good physical condition otherwise. Exercise burns fat, but you can exercise, have good cardiovascular fitness, and still be fat. Fat is a sort of natural armor, many fighters have it, and if you don't think they're in shape, they'll be quick to correct you.

I'll amend my stance for correctness--people who are obese from being sedentary shouldn't expect the tree to come without Miracle Gro, people who have the blood flowing well but are packin excess yellow sludge can erect themselves.

--of course, it'll seem smaller in comparison as it will have farther to go to protrude past the gut.....
That's not fair--the BMI charts are fallacious, and I bet you know it ;)

Are you saying you're obese by those stupid charts, or by a more personal definition?
Are you saying you're obese by those stupid charts, or by a more personal definition?

I consider myself overweight, not obese. The charts say I am morbidly obese.

Nelson has a thing against overweight people. I don't think he realizes it though. If you read enough of his posts, you start to see a pattern.

I like the one that says a guy that has a big gut cares about this thingie. Any man that cares about his tools builds a shack over them. ;)

I am willing to bet that me at my 360 and 5'9 inches tall with my last physical test ( 6 months ago) that I have better results then most...

Col = 142

Sugar 91

bp 120 over 85

Breathing, EKG, stress test all off the charts....

I can even bend and touch the ground, YES the ground with out bending my knees...

Sorry, But not every Fat, obese, what ever you want to call it person, is lazy, eats crap and does nothing.....

You should see what I do on the weekends.... Mainly working with my TOOL !!!!! ;);)

Todd Z
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Even people who have been considered "healthy" by the height/weight charts all of their lives die from heart disease and other ailments commonly related to being overweight. No one is immune...

The bottom line is, if you are happy with yourself, that is what matters. If you are over the suggested weight for your height/age, but can do all of the things you want to do and be happy, then so be it. No one should preach good habits because if you do enough research, you'll find the EVERYTHING can kill you at some point.

In fact, I got in trouble in the classroom as a teacher for saying "10 out of 10 die", but its the truth. Guess people don't want to hear the truth.
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