Window decal

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Joe Grave

Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
Georgetown, IL
I have been thinking about putting a large decal on the rear center window. But with it going completely up and down I was afraid it would not stay on. Has anyone put a decal on with any results? Thanks in advance...Joe
My decal has been on for about a month, But I noticed that the center window in my Trac doesn't drag against the outside lower frame edge so very little rubbing. Should last, just make sure you install a quality decal.

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No picture, but i have had a Steelers logo on mine for 2 years with no damage. Like Sal said, make sure it is really down good before using the window.
I've had mine on for about two years and still looks good as new. As stated earier, make sure it's put on correctly, nice and firm, no bubbles and you shouldn't have any issues.

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I've had a static cling decal in the middle of my back window on the inside for years now w/out any problems.
I had a Steeler Nation decal on the back window for two years with no problems. I took it off but that was just because the sun faded it and it got hard to read. It never peeled or anything.