Fred, are you "wrench handy?" I ask because you really need to be aware of the very high cost of maintenance of used German luxury cars. Great cars, but they break like any other car (more often than some), and the costs to keep them running are high. If you can do your own oil/brakes/shocks/clutch/battery etc., it's a better situation.
A friend of mine bought a BMW 7 series when times were good. Awesome car. But he then fell on hard times. He can now neither afford to get a new car, and the cost to keep the BMW on the road is really hurting him.
My young neigbhor had her heart set on a 2001 Mercedes wagon, high mileage, but in really nice shape. I tried to dissaude her (she had saved enough to pay cash for some really good, new, reliable cars), but she went ahead. Within weeks it needed parts for the anti-lock system, cost was over $1000 for the repairs. And this young lady has an older sister that dumped a ton of money trying to keep a high miles BMW 318 on the road, only to finally walk away from it when it just became too much.
There is a reason many new German cars are now sold with free maintenance during the warranty period.
If you can afford the maintenance, my power to's a beautiful car. Just know what you are buying.