Robert Thomas
Well-Known Member
Good Greef Charlie Brown
We also have alot of what was the little guys'. That married $$ for the sole fact of polotics. IMO, if they did they also are not to be trusted.
It's a big contrast to the $500 and $1000 donations to Romney's.
I think one way we could get rid of all the excess fundraising/mud-slinging is to have each candidate write out what they want to do, want to change, want to accomplish, wont do, how they stand on hot topics (i.e. health care, taxes, Iraq/Afghanistan) and have 1 person/company compile into one packet that all voting Americans get a copy of. They also would not be allowed say anything about what the other candidates are for/are against since that persons statement would be right next to this one.
John Heinz...I mean Kerry, anyone?
And for the record, I still may vote for Ron Paul as a protest vote for the candidate that most closely matches my worldview. I already know the red state of Georgia is going to Romney and my vote doesn't really count, so I just might have to vote conscience instead of strategy.
For people who actually care instead of just vote party lines, this information is already easily obtainable. For the uninitiated, they're either not voting or already decided anyway based on what their parents told them to vote. Never underestimate the laziness of modern Americans. You'd have to pay them to read the information, totally offsetting the wasted money you are wanting save. The hard working, GDP producers who WOULD read it (or COULD) already decided to vote Romney anyway.
Then we might start getting the middle class and less folks a chance, to make it.
Im very shure we still have supper market managers, etc. Out there, that have excellent idea's and law-makeing and manager skills.
KL, you missed the point I made about Georgia's electoral college votes going to Romney, no matter what I vote.
Voting is totally irrational yet incredibly important.
That's why I'm having the dilemma of conscience between voting for the most likely to win and the most likely to reflect my values.