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I finally got my SporTrac into a trans shop to have them try and diagnose the issue w/Harsh reverse engagement.
They called back and stated that they drove it, but didn't see any issue. He did stated that after the truck is warmed up there was somewhat of a harsh reverse engagement, but nothing that would cause the trans to fall out.
He did state that the trans was a 55W with a 'reverse servo trans pak'. He said that he could change it out, but w/no guarantee if that would solve this issue and he would not stand behind the work.

Should I just live w/it or should I be looking for another shop that has more experience w/ SportTracs ?

I finally got my SporTrac into a trans shop to have them try and diagnose the issue w/Harsh reverse engagement.
They called back and stated that they drove it, but didn't see any issue. He did stated that after the truck is warmed up there was somewhat of a harsh reverse engagement, but nothing that would cause the trans to fall out.
He did state that the trans was a 55W with a 'reverse servo trans pak'. He said that he could change it out, but w/no guarantee if that would solve this issue and he would not stand behind the work.

Should I just live w/it or should I be looking for another shop that has more experience w/ SportTracs ?

The following is my opinion only...

Before having some guy that "won't stand behind his work" poke and prod your transmission... Have you ever done any transmission service to it? Drop the pan, change the filter and gasket, refill. Yes, this only changes about 1/3 to 1/2 of the fluid. Then once a week, or two, siphon out a quart from the top. Pretty soon most of the fluid will be changed. Betting you see an improvement after the first procedure if you don't know when the last service was done, if ever.
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This guy stated that the fluid was red and looked good, so should I still be changing it ?
I don't have a garage where I can pull the pan off right now, can I just go forward w/siphoning a quart and replacing it ?\
What fluid should I be replacing it with ?
Should be MerconV, wait for confirmation or check your manual.
Go buy a bottle of MerconV and see for yourself what it is supposed to look like. Take a sample from your truck and compare. You can siphon out as much as possible from the top and refill. Drive for a week or so to mix and repeat until you are happy with the color. Would be best to change the filter first because you have to dump a good chunk of fluid to do it and it's not cheap. It is an easy procedure you can do in a driveway or parking lot (given your apartment folks aren't pricks that don't let you do stuff like that).
I just chk'ed prices on Mercon V and got anything form $8 to $50, does that sound right ?

Any pointer on how to siphon trans-fluid and/or change the filter ?
I have siphoned a lot of gas, but never trans oil.
I just chk'ed prices on Mercon V and got anything form $8 to $50, does that sound right ?

Any pointer on how to siphon trans-fluid and/or change the filter ?
I have siphoned a lot of gas, but never trans oil.
Sounds about right. Is around $9/qt around my area.

Siphon is siphon, the hard part is getting it started. A small hand pump can make it easier, you don't want that stuff in your mouth.

To drop the pan and change the filter you will want a big catch pan, plenty of rags and paper towels, and a torque wrench.
Make sure to get the correct filter. There are two, one for 4x2 and one for 4x4.
Loosen all the bolts but don't remove them. Use something flat to pry at a corner and let it drain. Slowly start loosening the bolts more and remove them. More fluid will drip all over you. Support the pan so it does not fall and soak you. Can be very messy so just take your time and be careful.
Clean the pan and magnet inside. Brake cleaner is a great friend, get to know it. Clean off all old gasket material from both surfaces.
You may find these odd little cylinder shaped pieces of metal stuck to your magnet, not to worry, they are from the gasket and can fall out of an old gasket when replacing.
Be sure to replace the magnet.
Watch a YouTube video, doesn't really matter what vehicle (something close will do), to get an idea of what to expect.
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When I was at my last place I had a garage to work in and the tools to do all that work.
Now, sounds like I need to have a shop do all that work.
If I mess it up, I wouldn't have anything to drive.

I live in the suburbs outside of Chicago, can you recommend any shops that would do this kind of work.
Lots of trans shops around here, but I went to the best recommended and told I don't have a real problem.

Well, they can't diagnose what they can't reproduce. Just like you and me, they can throw as many parts at it as you are willing to pay for but can't gaurantee it will fix the problem.
Take it to a local shop with good reviews. Avoid quick-change places like the plague.
For 2001 5r55e here, last couple of years been using AmsOil# SSMVSATF
So far so good. Very pricey, but supposed to be best MerconV compatible fluid out there.
I use the HandPump shown below & a small 32oz\1qt CoffeeCan as a measure,
to suck 1qt from the Tranny DipTube every 6mths, then replace with fresh MerconV.
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Any competent shop can do the service blert suggested, Drop the pan, change the filter and gasket, refill.
It doesn't have to be a transmission shop for that. Even something like Pep Boys would work here, it's not a job that needs real expertise. I did it and I should know ;-)

You really can't tell the state of transmission fluid by looking at or smelling it. By the time the fluid is noticeably discolored or smells burned, the transmission will most likely have been damaged already. Just change it..

a new transmission pan with a drain plug is $24 from Rockauto.. this is an upgrade worth doing. I dropped the pan once to change the filter, which gave me a nice transmission fluid shower and bath.. next time I can just drain it first, far less messy.
I use the HandPump shown below & a small 32oz\1qt CoffeeCan as a measure,
to suck 1qt from the Tranny DipTube every 6mths, then replace with fresh MerconV.
View attachment 3274
Where would one find this tool? Any specific name for it? I changed my fluid coming up on six months ago and have plenty of extra fluid laying around.
HarborFreight, about any AutoPartsStore, online. Google "oil hand pump".
Think i bought mine off ebay several years ago.
A little ackward to use, but it works. Keep it coiled up in a large ZipLock bag when stored.
Click here for search link.
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HarborFreight, about any AutoPartsStore, online. Google "oil hand pump".
Think i bought mine off ebay several years ago.
A little ackward to use, but it works. Keep it coiled up in a large ZipLock bag when stored.
Click here for search link.
Thanks a plenty for the information! My only fear is the plastic tube not fitting down into the tranny fill tube.
5r55e DipTube (at least on my 2001) has a larger ID & no obstructions for the suction hose down into the pan,
unlike many newer trannys. Suction hose needs to be roughly 4ft long; I replaced the red hose that came with the pump, with a clear hose from the hardware store, so I can see the old fluid as it gets hand pumped out of the DipTube.
04-05 ( Gen 1) had a TSB to add a special additive for this issue.... Changing the fluid with a full flush will help... Also can be a sticking servo, NOT solenoid, and a flush and filter change could help.
Just started having an issue with my transmission on my 2010 STA 4.6, when coming to a stop sign and trying to leave I have a very harsh delayed shift. Once rolling no issues going threw the rest of the gears. I have replaced the front diff 15k ago. I plan to take it to shop, just would loke to hear some thoughts and recommendations. Thanks Group
You could be feeling the rear Drive Shaft carrier bearing knocking around under there. It’s possible.
You could be feeling the rear Drive Shaft carrier bearing knocking around under there. It’s possible.
Hey Todd you nailed it😉 Carrier bearing worn completely out, shaft flops around, don't understand how i could even drive it with out it vibrating really bad and it doesn't. That means new drive shaft, looks like that stuff is all pressed in?

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