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  1. K

    Fuel reformator

    Has anyone heard of ethos before? check out the web site below.
  2. K

    Fuel additive

    I'm refering to an octane booster.
  3. K

    Fuel additive

    my friend uses a fuel additive (can't remeber the name) in his 92 Amigo and gets great mileage :D. Is it a good idea to use any kind of fuel additive in my 2001 ST and if anyone uses it what are the results ??? ;)
  4. K

    OT: Gas prices jumping in leaps & bounds across the country

    You guys need to visit my country in order to appreciate the price of gas in your country. We pay EC$10.11 (USD3.75) per gallon. To fill our tank it costs EC$232.53(USD85.58).
  5. K

    fuel efficiency

    Thanks. Also, just bought my repair manual on ebay.
  6. K

    fuel efficiency

    lol! :D You are right about Dominica being independent. It's a small island. The photo was taken in the U.S. This was when we were purchasing it. It was then shipped to Dominica.
  7. K

    fuel efficiency

    I'm starting to feel at home on this site. Wanted to know where I can get a repair manual. There are only two of sport tracs on our island so I guess I'll be asking you guys alot of questions. We're really excited about our Trac :D.
  8. K

    fuel efficiency

    Thanks alot. Do you think K & N air filters can help?
  9. K

    fuel efficiency

    Hi, We just got our sporttrac(2001). We live on the island of Dominica in the Caribbean. It is very hilly. Just wanted some tips on what I can do to make it fuel effficient especially as gas in our country is EC$10.15 (USD3.76) per gallon.
  10. K

    How low is gas by you?

    Down here in the caribbean it sucks :angry: . it's been climbing for the last five years and never once dropped. it is now EC$10.95 or USD$4.03. Can u believe that? so when you guys complian just remember :D