fuel efficiency

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Oct 26, 2005
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We just got our sporttrac(2001). We live on the island of Dominica in the Caribbean. It is very hilly. Just wanted some tips on what I can do to make it fuel effficient especially as gas in our country is EC$10.15 (USD3.76) per gallon.
Go easy on the throttle..dont use the cruise control in the hills..keep tires aired regularly...free flowing exhaust and intake..

Welcome to the site !!
Welcome to the site and like stated before stay off the throttle. To make it fuel efficient, not much you can do. Your gains will be alittle here alittle there. Unfortunately, there isn't a beat all cure for the MPG rating on these things. But love the Trac like everyone here. Can't see myself without it, no matter what the cost of gas.;)
I'm starting to feel at home on this site. Wanted to know where I can get a repair manual. There are only two of sport tracs on our island so I guess I'll be asking you guys alot of questions. We're really excited about our Trac :D.

If the other guy ever wrecks his Sport Trac, you should buy it for spare parts. :)

I noticed an American flag in the background of your photo. I researched and found Dominica is independent, but protected by Britain. Was that photo taken in Dominica, and if so why is an American flag present?
lol! :D You are right about Dominica being independent. It's a small island. The photo was taken in the U.S. This was when we were purchasing it. It was then shipped to Dominica.
If you are looking for a repair manual, download one at the link below. burn it to a CD, install, and enjoy.

Not pushing the throttle down to hard will be your greatest tool when it comes to burning gas.

Any of the cold air type intakes will help as well as an aftermarket exhaust. They will both increase the fuel mileage and the performance of the Trac.
I put a K&N replacement filter in the Ranger I had before, same engine as the Sport Trac, it didn't make any difference. On a 4 liter engine, I don't think the stock intake is really a restriction. I'd say try a new exhaust though, I'll probably get a Gibson system soon myself. XCal2 maybe.

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