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  1. CobraXP

    Wanted: Stock v8 ST throttle body

    Todd, I have mine. Shoot me an email and we'll work something out... :)
  2. CobraXP

    DIY Subwoofer Enclosure for Gen II ST!!

    I'm putting a Kenwood Excelon 10" in the rear of my '07, but I'm putting it in the pocket storage area (fiberglassing the compartment). I'll remove the door and fabricate a grille/cover to match it. The other area has my amps, inverter, etc, so I can't use that space. If you are using the...
  3. CobraXP

    Anyone Watching this Drivel???

    So because I do not support Obama, I am unpatriotic? What will be your stance if he suffers defeat? Are you going to be an unpatriotic American? I think your stereotypes and some of your other comments are as unbelievable as some of the things coming out of the candidate's themselves...
  4. CobraXP

    TPMS for 07 ST

    The link is only for the bands. I bought the bands, clips, brakcets, and sensors from them last April. I believe it was right at $200 for everything.
  5. CobraXP

    in-dash video

    I've got the Alpine IVA-W205 and have enjoyed it so far. I'll be ordering the IVA-W505 pretty soon and putting the 205 in the Explorer to replace the 200 in it. The Avic is nice also. Kind of comes down to personal preference and price as Aaron said...
  6. CobraXP

    TPMS for 07 ST

    I bought all new bands, clips, and sensors from this company: I left my factory ones on because I'll end up using them for winter wheels and tires. They were a lot cheaper than the local places...
  7. CobraXP

    2007 Repair Manual

    Ford Shop Manuals: QitemZ150274102163QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V Ford Electrical WIring Manual...
  8. CobraXP

    For Sale 2 NIB 9mm Ruger P-85, P85MKII & P89 15 rnd mags

    I'll take them. Email me at cobraxp at cobraxp dot com this evening and I'll respond when I get home from work. :)
  9. CobraXP

    Aftermarket Alpine 9883 Head Unit Install- 08 STA

    I put an Alpine IVA-W205 in mine with no problems. Don't know about the USB plug - but I imagine there is an adapter that might work. You might want to check Directed Electronics or to see if one of them makes it. THe install is fairly straight forward though. I didn't run...
  10. CobraXP

    What do you think?

    I have read about this for a few months. There is a person on ExplorerForum testing units now. The idea is plausible and has been found to work for power applications, but I have read that the mileage gains are very dependent on aspects of your tuning. Carbuerated applications have seen more...
  11. CobraXP

    Sad Day Today... The Original XST is up for Sale.

    I would suggest making some flyers and putting them at high schools, especially the high schools in parts of town that have well funded kids. With graduation coming up, you might luck up and find the kid who can run home and say "Daddy, Daddy... I want this..." A friend of mine had a...
  12. CobraXP

    New Tires Better MPG

    That is the way I figure mine also, but the variable there is if your speedometer is calibrated correctly for the tire size you have. If you change height without adjusting the speedo calibration, your miles traveled will be different. A shorter tire will produce more miles traveled because it...
  13. CobraXP

    New Tires Better MPG

    You will see a difference in the computed MPG's, but it doesn't mean you are going more miles per gallon. Per their respective websites, Michelin LTX M/S is 31.6" in diameter where the Bridgestone is 31.9" in diameter. It is not enough to make up the difference you might be seeing, but it will...
  14. CobraXP

    ST Art - getting arty

    Very nice work! :)
  15. CobraXP

    OT: My Experience with a DTV Converter Box

    I haven't seen the coupons yet, but still need to get two converters to use in the cars. I have the Alpine TUE-151 TV tuners in my wife's Escape and in the Sport Trac. They are nothing more than rabbit ear setups themselves. I might stop by Best Buy on the way home tomorrow and see if they...
  16. CobraXP

    VHT Night Shade

    I don't know how much it is going for anywhere else, but I just received my Barnett Performance catalog and they have it for $11.98 a can. Part number for them is VHT999. Barnett Performance 425 Memorial Dr Atlanta, GA 800.533.1320 I don't know if that is good or not for some...
  17. CobraXP

    VHT Night Shade

    We've been using it for a few years. It works well. Pretty good write-up also. I would definitely clear after you get the number of coats and darkness the way you want.
  18. CobraXP


    It's Friday?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :blink: This has been my first week home in 8 weeks (traveling for work). I've lost track of what month we are in, much less what day of the week it is... :D
  19. CobraXP


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