Anyone Watching this Drivel???

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Ryan Schaecher

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
Jonesboro, AR
Barack Obama.....

Change... Change.... Change.... This country is great... Change it!

You should be able to put money away.... so I can tax it.

I will cut taxes for 95% of working families... just not those who employ people

In 10 years we will end our dependance on middle east oil.... I will still be president, I should know

John McCain has been in the senate for 26 years.... Joe Biden around 30.

I will tap our natural gas reserves.... unless they are within 50 miles of our shoreline

I will invest $150 Billion in new energy.... which will come from you, the tax payer

I will provide every child a world-class education... just like we see in Saudi Arabia and Iran

If you commit to serving your community, we will provide your education.... typical LIBERAL non-sence

blah.... blah.... blah....

"Free" healthcare

"Free" Education




All paid for by taxing the big business of this country. Yeah.
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I enjoyed his speech and agree with him. So to hell with you. [Broken External Image]:
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I enjoyed his skills as an orator.

Keep in mind with a teleprompter

in a stadium with 75,000 Coolaid drinkers

this was truely his environment.

He had to look this good.

Now why did he shirk the 10 debates with McCain

this past summer?

Remember Adolf Hitler was a fantastic orator as well.

Even better than Obama without modern technology!

I guess it was the 'stash:lol:

Change can be good, but how much and at what cost?

Personally, I'm for a radical change with Term Limits

another Boston Tea Party against taxes

and a viable third party that will really bring the country together.

We need sensible government, control the deficit Washington spending is way

out of control.
So because I do not support Obama, I am unpatriotic? What will be your stance if he suffers defeat? Are you going to be an unpatriotic American? I think your stereotypes and some of your other comments are as unbelievable as some of the things coming out of the candidate's themselves.

IMO - This election will not be about having a good president. Right now, it is about choosing a 'lesser of two evils'.
I think either candidate can do a better job than George W has done, especially the last 4 years. It seems that every President who is reelected thinks thay have a mandate from heaven that they can do what ever they want.

George W won both elections by a very small margin of electrorial votes. To be realistic, only about half the people agreed with him and the other half didn't. I think this election may be as close as the last few were. Who ever wins needs to recognize that half the people did not vote for him and disagree with his political viewpoints.

Barrak can't win without Hillary's supporters, and she trashed him during the primaries. For her to come out now and support him just shows how two faced our political system has become.

I personally think that a Democrat as President will be more successful since the Democrats control Congress. George W had a Republican Congress for a short while and ruined their chanves of mantaining control by trying to make up for the 40+ years that Congress had been controlled by the Democrats.

As evidenced by the political agruing that goes on at this site, I don't think the political fighting is over. However, unless the Democrats and Republicans can learn to accept eachothers differences and understand what we all want, and that America comes before their petty differences. I don't think that questioning a candidates patriatism or layalty to America has any place in this campaign.

Socialism or capitalism........that's what the decision comes down to for me.

It's not just big business that will be taxed to death !


I personally think that a Democrat as President will be more successful since the Democrats control Congress.

So they can give away more of your hard-earned tax dollars. Two wrongs don't make a right, and that is what this will be.

As evidenced by the political agruing that goes on at this site, I don't think the political fighting is over. However, unless the Democrats and Republicans can learn to accept eachothers differences and understand what we all want, and that America comes before their petty differences.

Can I have some of what you been smokin, never gonna happen.

I don't think that questioning a candidates patriatism or layalty to America has any place in this campaign.

Disagree, how come Obama doesn't like to say the "Pledge of Allegience" and stands there with his hands at his side ???
Are we allowed to call the anti Obama schmucks "unpatriotic" after Barack wins?

So what do we call you if he does not win? At first I was ammused by your completely stupid comments but now they are getting old. Since when is someone unpatriotic because they do not support the president? And I think that myself and many others feel you are probably the only "SCHMUCK" if that is your thought process.
Since when is someone unpatriotic because they do not support the president?


Frank is a more of "do as I say, not as I do" type of person, because if not supporting the President is considered unpatriotic, then Frank is guilty as charged.
II'll wait for McCain's speech before I decide- I think its at the Shoneys restaurant in Minneapolis, and you get a coupon for a free breakfast buffet....:cool:
I didn't watch Obama's speech. Steeler game was on. Priorities.

Barry will be speaking at a park about two miles from me tonight. Attendance might be decent, but what dimbulb scheduled him to speak in the ONE Republican town in the county on the opening Friday night of high school football? :huh:
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I don't know if Obama puts his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegience, but I don't see how that reflects on his patriotism?? You and I only do that because we were told we had to do it by our teachers and parents as a sign of respect, not patriotism. I can assure you that there I many people who do not hold their hand over their hearts during the Pledge of Allegience and that does not make them unpatriotic

But that does reenforce my point that politics has gotten much to petty. Candidates are often belittled for things that are so trivial and insignificant and have nothing to do with issue and problems that our nation faces.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of Obama. He speaks very well and has a lot of charisma. I also think he is very smart and probably would do well as President because the Democrats control Congress, and Congress controls the budget. That just means he will likely get the funding approved for his ideas. The simple fact that this country can start moving in one direction or another is good. The Congress has been stagnant for so long, and have been fighting and bickering with the President for so long, that any change would be an improvement.

If Obama is elected, and his plans don't work out, I don't think we will be any worse off than we are now. My opinion of John McCain is the same. He would also be a good President, however a Republican President with a Democratic Congress will be pretty much the same as we got with George W. and I'm sure the Democrats will see to that.

Again, politics here comes down to character assasinations for petty things that have nothing to do with either candidates leadership qualifications. When you can't find a legitimate fault with someone's leadership, you can only attack the trivial things just so you can continue the attack when you are out of ammunition.

I enjoyed his speech and agree with him. So to hell with you.

Wow. Nice addition. At you had more substance than Frank.

Are we allowed to call the anti Obama schmucks "unpatriotic" after Barack wins?

Were we allowed to call the anti-Kerry people unpatriotic? How about the Anti-Bill Clinton? How about the Anti-Dukakis? Anti-Carter? Anti-George H W Bush? Anti-Lincoln?

I'm going to start calling idiots anti-patriotic. Just because you fundamentally disagree with a candidate and know that he will be far worse then Mr. Carter (who was the worst president in US history) does not make you patriotic.

I am a patriot good sir. I believe in my country and the fundamental rights this country was founded on, notibly Life, Liberty and the PERSUIT of Happiness. I know I am not guarenteed ANYTHING, other than the God-Given rights so eliquently esposed in the Bill of Rights, Constitution and the remaining amendments.

I am a not a bitter American, but I do cling strongly to my Bible, my Guns and MY COUNTRY.
RShek wrote: I cling stronly to my Bible and guns>

Oh MY are you so unbeliveably confused. What does the bible and guns have to do with what is at stake in America??

That statement, (espoused by a lot of extreme right wing nuts) just shows that your mind is COMPLETELY closed and you have not the countrys best interests in mind. You are a brutally confused soul Shek. You need help.
Oh MY are you so unbeliveably confused. What does the bible and guns have to do with what is at stake in America??

What's at stake is the ability for RShek to make that choice without needing a permission slip from government. You know, that old saw about ", liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." His mind isn't closed. It's firmly wrapped around the idea that what he does to pursue his American dream has nothing to do with you or anyone else, so long as he doesn't interfere with you or me doing the same.

Pretty simple concept. And not in keeping with the socialist values espoused by far too many members of our entrenched political class, be they labelled Dems' or 'Pubs.

The problem with this election, no matter which of the two major candidates you support, is we get more and more of the same broken system.