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  1. B

    Rear Drive Shaft for 2007 v8 4x4 - Fort Wayne or Dorman

    No problem I have one from Fort Wayne clutch. I have it for a few years now, it is a very nice build and very over built.
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    Rear Drive Shaft for 2007 v8 4x4 - Fort Wayne or Dorman

    If you got one for that price good on you. But there is no such thing as free shipping lol, you are still paying for it. Are you talking about a front or rear shaft?
  3. B

    GEN2 STA High Performance Brakes.

    That is a very nice job well done. I spent more than 26 years in 2 Ford dealer ships I can appreciate the workmanship you and TCE Performance have done. And I am sure it stops very well also.
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    Rear Drive Shaft for 2007 v8 4x4 - Fort Wayne or Dorman

    I have one from Fort Wayne Clutch and have been very happy with it. I have the one that you can replace the u-joints or carrier bearing if needed. To me if you are going to keep your truck, I think it's the way to go. They are very well built and heavy duty. They are more money, but you know how...
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    FORscan: Sorry, you need an Extended License!

    Thank you for the information I am going to order one today.
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    FORscan: Sorry, you need an Extended License!

    Does anyone know can you use the ELM327 on more than on vehicle you own or is it vin locked?
  7. B

    Driveshaft Issues

    The carrier bearing is not replaceable on the factory drive shaft. Not one of Fords better ideas i know. Fort Wayne Clutch makes two different rear shafts one with a replaceable joint the other one is not. For the money i would get the one with the replaceable even if you don't keep it, its a...
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    Driveshaft Issues

    If you can find a good used drive shaft, most of them all have the same problem its the carrier bearing that is wore out, and is not replaceable on the factory drive shaft if you have a V8 4x4. If you can find a good used one i would jump on it.
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    Driveshaft Issues

    I have the solution to your problem. Fort Wayne Clutch & Driveline make all new drive shafts for our trucks. The shafts are all new very heavy and well made and come with everything you need to install it with and have a replaceable carrier bearing. They are in Fort Wayne Indiana there number is...
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    Hello from the Hoosier State

    Well at least you tried, what can I say if it was easy everyone would wont to do it. I thought about it on the way down there and was going to ask if you wonted to go there or if you had all ready. Then we got to talking and I didn't think about till I was all most home.
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    Hello from the Hoosier State

    Nice picture at the Ford plant I should have done the same, I was not thinking about it at the time.
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    rear camber

    I hope that will help you out.
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    rear camber

    204-00 Suspension System — General Information 2007 Explorer/Mountaineer/Explorer Sport Trac GENERAL PROCEDURES Procedure revision date: 08/02/2006 Camber Adjustment — Rear Index-mark the upper arm inboard bolt to the frame. NOTE: The upper arm inboard flagnut must be removed and...
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    Hello from Montpelier Indiana

    I don't know whey it has taken me so long to get signed up here, but now I am. I have been on and read a lot of the threads and you guys do have a lot of very good information here for sure. I have 2007 limited 4x4 4.6 liter with over 200,000 miles on it. It is my daily driver for work and has...