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  1. P

    01 arm rest

    Good Luck, I have had mine recovered twice. I think I will have to buy a new arm rest next time. I am sure there is someone out there that sells aftermarket items like it. Will have to browse the Explorer forms.
  2. P

    Its dead :(

    With those miles, I would say it was the Timing Chain. Thats what happened to mine last year when I hit 189K. Robbie, We must live and work near each other. We have the same year, mileage, route to work.
  3. P

    Help only geting 9-10 mpg

    Why did you do that? Unless you were going for performance, those don't go bad. Also, since you changed the MAF, did you get one to match your injectors? No matter how large the MAF is, if you dont match the sample tube to the injectors, it doesn't help. You need to determine if it is for...
  4. P

    K&N intake finally installed....

    EddieS'04, Your OK with the 2nd bend, but not the first?
  5. P

    Front End Issue

    Normal: 1) Squealing as your cornering is the sound of the outside edge of the tire sliding as your turning. The angle is so sharp that it is outside edge is trying to catch the road for traction. 2) While in 4x4 the wheels are fighting each other for Equal turning. Turn your wheel to the...
  6. P

    whiny transmission

    Does it sound like: "I dont want to go there" That might be coming from the passenger seat :rofl:
  7. P

    Help only geting 9-10 mpg

    Dont race red light to red light, gradual starts and stops. In the city you should be at least 14mpg.
  8. P

    Random Sport Tracs I took pics of Out and About

    I hate it when people resurrect an old topic, but I think this is a good one that can be resurrected. This is what I saw at work. I dont know what they use it for. [Broken External Image]:
  9. P

    Air Intake/ Fuel Economy??

    The ST is a heavy vehicle, you cant expect it to take off from a stop like a small car does. So, the more you press the pedal to the floor, the more fuel you burn. You would be better off buying one of those electronic gizmos that beep when you take off too fast from a light or hit the breaks...
  10. P

    This is Hilarious

    Thats what you see every time you pass one of those "Fast & Furious" cars on the road. I'm not talking about the ones with nice paint, I am talking about the ones with primer, wing, and a coffee can muffler. All from eBay and well below $47
  11. P

    Serpentine belt

    Yea, I did the same thing, except just as I was trying to hold on for all my might, this little neighbor kid comes up "Hey! What are you doing?" The replacement time just doubled.
  12. P

    AC questions

    A/C on: Max A/C A/C Dash-Floor Defrost-floor Defrost A/C off: Vent Off Floor
  13. P

    is this normal for AC operation?

    I agree with l1tech, short cycles equal low or no freon. All of the Sport Tracs have Wide Open Throttle(WOT) cutout. When the ECU senses a load and the throttle postion sensor is at a certain range, then the ECU will shut off the A/C clutch, remove the field to the alternator, and tell the...
  14. P

    LEd tail light conversion

    If you are using some of the new LED replacement bulbs sold now, they have the resister built in. IF you are Creating something from scratch and you want to add LED's then you will have to use resister(s). LED's like 1.5-5V and sending 12-14V to them will kill them. If you are creating...
  15. P

    What is the Low Pressure AC switch operating range

    Based on what you have stated, your system is functioning correctly. I would ask you, what is the cycle time which would actually tell alot more. In a nutshell: When you turn on your A/C, the compressor turns on (the click you hear) and the low side starts slowly going down till you say...
  16. P

    help!!! is my fan clutch bad?

    It's working fine, you dont have enough airflow across your condensor, hense the instant cooling effect when you step on the pedal.
  17. P

    my 03 is bucking

    Feedback from the Speed sensor to the Throttle actuator, and there is nothing you can do about it except put your foot on the accelerator pedal just slightly untill you level off.
  18. P

    Thoughts on a true dual Idea

    If you use a dual-in muffler, you dont need the X-Pipe. The muffler will equalize the pressure for you. Single-in muffler I would use the X-Pipe or cross-over pipe.
  19. P

    First major w/ my '03 2wd ST :-(

    Mine only whines when I turn the pressure up via the XCal tuner, otherwise its quiet.
  20. P

    sct problems

    Did you buy a tuner that said it was good for Ford Explorer's? or did you buy one after they asked you for your Calibration Code(ie. JXV3)? Unless you specifically said "My calibration code is XXXX" then you bought something that will never work properly.