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Ford SportTrac Forum

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  1. K

    winter driving

    I had a 4x2 Sport Trac and drove it one time skiing in Colorado during a snow storm. The tail end couldn't hold traction on the steep climbs. I grew up driving in the mountains of Colorado. I was not impressed with the handling of the ST in snow and icy conditions compared to a Bronco or...
  2. K

    Is TIVO all that good?

    TiVo is awesome. I bought the 80 hour version 2.5 years ago and went with the lifetime membership. I'm glad I went with the largest hard drive available at the time and the lifetime membership. It breaks even after about 2 years in relation to the monthly membership. Anyway, any DVR is worth...
  3. K

    "Paused Heartbeat" OT Medical Question

    I would see a cardiologist for at least a stress test or be put on a portable Halter monitor for 24 hours. It sounds like you have a heart block which is a block in the electrical signal that goes through your heart. It's worth further investigation. You don't want to be passing out while...