"Paused Heartbeat" OT Medical Question

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LaRue Medlin

In Memoriam 1955-2017
Sep 28, 2000
Reaction score
Sumter, SC
Well I just got out of the hospital with no real answers from the quack doctors. So here is my question to the real doctors here.:D:D:

All I know is my heart “paused” and skipped 3-4 beats 4 times in a row . My hearbeat also dropped down to 18. I was unconsious for a short while. When I woke up I had all kinda people around me IV's, oxygen, monitors,, man what a way to wake up. I spent 2 days in the hospital hooked up to all kinds of stuff, now I'm home, feel like crap and all they did was change my high blood pressure medicine. So did I have a stroke, heart attack or just pass out? Go figure.... I'm alive so "what the hey...." Rue sliced his hand open 2 hours before this requiring 12 stiches. Man what a day...

So what do ya think? Stupid question but..............:rolleyes:
First off...glad you are home and feeling better. I don't have an answer but something similar happened to me a few years back. My heart skipped several beats in a row and it was quite painful too. It's never happened again and the Dr's couldn't give me an explanation either. I was surprised they couldn't give me an answer because I was already in the hospital hooked up to a heart monitor.

Hope everything gets figured out for you soon!

My guess is "None of the above."

Some medicines will cause the symptoms you suffered. I'm thinking it was some sort of arrhythmia - an erratic heartbeat. I had that happen to me once years ago - lasted about 12 hours. Heart rate was all over the place - 24 all the ay up to 200 bpms. And quick changes. Almost passed out myself. Spent a night in the hospital and I felt like crap for about a week after I was released.

Sounds like they couldn't find a physical reason for the episode, so more than likely it was a reaction caused by your blood pressure meds, which is why they changed them. I'm sure your doc will keep an eye on the situation. You do the same and get well. But unless it becomes a regular thing, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

I would see a cardiologist for at least a stress test or be put on a portable Halter monitor for 24 hours. It sounds like you have a heart block which is a block in the electrical signal that goes through your heart. It's worth further investigation. You don't want to be passing out while driving.
Well, I don't own an ST anymore so my only qualification will have to be the MD I earned, but the answeris....we just don't know. What were you doing just prior to the incident? Any unusual stresses besides daily life? Are you a smoker, physically fit, or have a family history of heart problems? Side effects of BP medications are a possibility, may have been ischemia(weak blood supply) to the heart muscle containing the conduction apparatus, or possibly an embolus(clot) to one of the smaller coronary vessels. I'm sure your heart was monitored during your hospital stay and was found to be normal, so thats good news. Ask your doc about a stress test or echocardiogram. Drink good red wine.....:)
A stroke is caused by lack of oxygen to the brain and you didn't have a heart attack or they would be doing something more than just adjusting your medication. Like Rocco mentioned, you had an arrhythmia, which is not uncommon but could be caused by many things. Hopefully you did get examined by a cardiologist and had a complete blood count done. If your overweight, smoke or have some other cardiac risk factors, hopefully this will be a wakeup call. Hang in there LaRue.
:eek: First, We are thankful you're O.K. It is possible that you just got stressed out over Rue's cut. I agree with see a cardiologist to get a second opinion. Also, take 3 cloves of garlic a day as it is a natural blood thinner, and I actually had a lady tell me that it reversed her heart disease. One glass of red wine with a meal per day will not hurt you, but be sure you do not conflict with any meds. you are taking. Also, make sure you are getting enough Omega 3 in you diet; Salmon is a good source, or take a capsule supplement. You DO NOT want to go through what my wife is going through with being on blood thinners for 3-6 mos. for a blood clot in her leg. :D
Glad your back on your feet..prayers with you...as others have said get the stress test run...my aunt was having simular incidents..got tested...found she had blockage...had surgery and doing well now..
LaRue... Glad to hear you are okay and hope they can figure out what is going on. I have been dealing with similar symptoms (minus the passing out) for several years. After having a Holter monitor, many ECGs, EKGs and every other test under the sun... it was determined that I have "Symptomatic Premature Atrial Contractions" (PACs). I experience many of the same symptoms. It actually feels like my heart skips, but in reality, one of the chambers of the heart receives a signal to "fire" early which is almost immediately after the previous beat. When the normal time comes for that chamber to fire it says "sorry, I already fired... no blood here... go see one of the other chambers" :wacko: The sensation is that your heart has paused and can be very disturbing. On bad days I get weak and light headed and could see where someone could pass out. The good news according to the docs :wacko: is that everyone has them and lucky people like myself get to experience more of them (2800 in a 24 hour period while on the Holter monitor… and that was a good day). They claim that they cause no harm but I would imagine a heart that is not efficiently pumping blood and transporting oxygen is a bad thing. Sorry for the long story but just wanted to give you a possible solution though it may not be necessarily what you have. I echo others when they recommend a cardiologist. Good luck!!
lasik1 said:
Well, I don't own an ST anymore so my only qualification will have to be the MD I earned

But did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?

LaRue, glad you're okay.