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  1. Anthony A.


    I got my lift kit from Supreme Suspensions, and found out the hard way when they were installed at a shop locally and that's when Todd suggested that I needed to get the UCA's from BTF. I called the number on the BTF website and spoke to a guy that let me know that they had some UCA's in...
  2. Anthony A.


    I did a 3" lift on my 2010 STA. You will definitely want to look into getting a set of upper control arms from BTF fabrications, that Todd recommended to me. They are pricey, but BTF is the only company out there custom fabricating these for the ST's and are very well-built.
  3. Anthony A.

    Solution Finish - Black Plastic Trim Restoration - $10

    Ahh, thanks for the tip. That kinda does makes sense. I'll be sure to pick up some iso alcohol and apply it, before putting on the Solution Finish.
  4. Anthony A.

    Solution Finish - Black Plastic Trim Restoration - $10

    I just ordered a bottle yesterday from Amazon, thanks for sharing the results.
  5. Anthony A.

    Flowmaster 40 exhaust

    Do you have a link, to the Flowmaster 40, that you had installed? I want to get one on my 2010 ST Adrenalin
  6. Anthony A.

    Flowmaster Outlaw exhaust question?

    Hi all! I own a 2010 Sport Trac Adrenalin 4.6 V8, and have seen some have the Flowmaster Outlaw series muffler installed. I was just wondering if anyone could provide a link, to the correct one that I can purchase and have installed? Thanks!