‘The President Is Always Right’

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Cool Tom! I doubt there are many who match our voting record

I can match it since 1996 (when I turned 18). Not too bad.

I disagree, those that fight back are the patriotic ones.

Not necessarily true. If you fight a lawful order as a soldier of the United States, you are not patriotic, you are incarcerated. People like (Kim Il) John Murtha, Dick Durbin and associated ilk are not patriotic, they are moronic. How is it patriotic to find glee in the deaths of our soldiers?

Agh yes, the Bush/Hitler comparison...that train's never late!

True. Course there's the interesting facts that the first things that Hitler did were:

1) Eliminate the practice of religion

2) Eliminate the private ownership of firearms

3) Kill all "useless" citizens, namely the old, infirmed, handicapped, etc.

4) Destroy complete cultures of Jews, Gypsi's, etc

What are the major key platforms of the leftist movement?

1) Destruction of religion as it is a form of intolerance

2) The complete revokation of the second amendment

3) The acceptance of euthanasia and abortion

4) Hand over all power to the UN, which is Anti-Isreal, Pro-Genocide and Pro-Totalitarian State

So, when people try and say that "Bush Is Hitler Reborn", the facts actually say otherwise.

I guess if you muster all the brainpower of the entire Democratic party you still can't get anyone close to Ken Starr.

Well stated. The Republicans won control partly though obstruction, but mostly for having ideas. The Dems are trying to take control stricktly through obstruction. No new ideas, except new taxes (see New Jersey).

Sadly though, the Republicans are handing the Dems control because of incompetance and acting like liberals instead of the conservatives most people voted for.

Sorry, not buying it. If the Dems really had something against Bush they would leak it to the press and try him in the court of public opinion. To some extent they have already tried that again and again, but all attacks leave him still standing...sure, bruised and down in the opinion polls, but still standing.

Very true. Look at what Dan Blather tried. Look at the way the Dems responded to the wire tap issue. Look at the way that the lefties tried to use Valerie Plame. Look how the lefty's are attempting to use the financial tracking information. None of it has resonated with the average American. Not like lying to a federal grand jury, falsifying records, intimidating witnesses, loosing subpoenaed documents for two years, getting underlings to lie for you, the mysterious deaths of 57 individuals associated with you....

When starting a post, you choose from a list of catagories. One of those catagories is called "Off-topic". Essentially, it is a free-for-all on posting about anything you want. Have a bad day? Post it as and off-topic post. Seen something funny on the internet or heard a good joke, post it as off-topic. Heard something that is said about a political party, post it off-topic.

Don't like to read those things, go to your prefrences and hide all non-topic posts.

Us members here are friends. We have each others home/cell phone numbers. We know eash ther as more then just our screen name. Keeping everything Trac related is boring. Lets liven it up a litle.

That is exactly what "Off-topic" posts are for.

Caymen -

I understand your point about this being a Wild-west category. No problem. Of course we do have the option of blocking the Off-topics but there's also some good issues. Anyway, I see from this thread that "my side" is holding up quite nicely. My real intent in posting was to pass on the links where people can really go at it. :)

Course there's the interesting facts that the first things that Hitler did were:

1) Eliminate the practice of religion

When the government gon decide to invade a "cult" (note to quotes) like they did in Waco, that is the first step. Any religion can be considered a cult. It is just up to who whats to twist the definitions to fit their idea of a cult.

2) Eliminate the private ownership of firearms

Ever hear of Gun Control? It is only a first step.

3) Kill all "useless" citizens, namely the old, infirmed, handicapped, etc.

That hasn't happened...yet, but by raising the minimum retirement age would essentially eliminate many "old people". Since they would still be in the workforce, they are not a "burdon" to society. When they become a "burdon", they oly live a year or two more, therefore "eliminating" the old people. (I know it sounds far fetched, but sometimes we need to look at things from a different perspective)

4) Destroy complete cultures of Jews, Gypsi's, etc

That hasn't happened yet. Hopefully it never does.


What are the major key platforms of the leftist movement?

1) Destruction of religion as it is a form of intolerance

Ever hear of separation of Church and state. Religious doctrines have no business in the government.

2) The complete revokation of the second amendment

Welcome to the purpose of gun control.

3) The acceptance of euthanasia and abortion

Why is abortion wrong? Why is euthanasia wrong? Is it because the bible tells us it is? Seperation of church and state. Religon should have no part in a government c=since religon is based on a supreme being and earthly government is based on mankind.

4) Hand over all power to the UN, which is Anti-Isreal, Pro-Genocide and Pro-Totalitarian State

The former League of Nations and the now United Nations is nothing but trouble and do more wrong then right.

I wasn't comparing Bush to Hitler- just the state of mind that assumes if someone is the leader, then they must be right. The right to disagree is fundamental and patriotic. My patriotism shouldn't be questioned because I don't believe in the war in Iraq, or I don't believe in Christianity. The one huge, glaring President Bush statement I can't get by is "Major combat operations in Iraq are over." Was THAT wrong? As far as all the people with the "support our troops" bumper stickers, that's nice, but how about supporting a 2%, 3 year tax increase to pay for the war, so our children don't have to? I have benefitted hugely from the liberal tax cuts of this administration and I would gladly give some back if it meant less debt for my kids to deal with. :cool:

Nice R Shek...I tee them up, you knock them out of the park!


liberal tax cuts

By liberal, I sure as hell hope that you are talking generous, and not politically liberal. Who in their right mind thinks that tax cuts are something that a Liberal politican would do? If you do mean generous, then I agree wholeheatedly.

Yeah, I've heard of it; I've just never seen it written nor have I read about it in the Constitution

To quote the second greatest document EVER written:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

I fail to see a "separation of church and state". The only thing that this says is that the Government may not make laws that affect religion. It is to keep Government out of Religion, not the other way around. FREEDOM OF RELIGION, NOT FROM IT.

Welcome to the purpose of gun control.

Let me remind of you of the Second Amendment:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Let me also remind you that this speaks of the same "people" that the First, Ninth and Tenth speak to.

When the government gon decide to invade a "cult" (note to quotes) like they did in Waco, that is the first step. Any religion can be considered a cult. It is just up to who whats to twist the definitions to fit their idea of a cult.

Let's not forget who was President at the time, a devout Leftist who's "Hero" was a strong segragationist.

Why is abortion wrong? Why is euthanasia wrong? Is it because the bible tells us it is? Seperation of church and state. Religon should have no part in a government c=since religon is based on a supreme being and earthly government is based on mankind.

Abortion and Euthanasia are wrong as they kill, bible or not. Medically speaking, the heart starts beating within just a few days of conception. That means medically the being is alive. As far as Euthanasia goes, if an infirmed person wishes to pass on, I would understand. However I do not condone the state or other "public" body to destroy the life. The person is free to take their own life in anyway they deem fit (even though suicide is illegal in most states.... get that one). A doctor ethically should not be involved in Abortion or Euthanasia, just as a doctor will not push the plunger on a needle during an execution.

Actually, the US Government is based upon Religion. It is certain FACT that the founders of this nation looked to the Bible and religious philosophy for inspiration on the Consitution, Declairation of Independance and the Bill of Rights.

4) Destroy complete cultures of Jews, Gypsi's, etc

I agree with you that it hasn't to a certain extent anyways. I will submit this for you to ponder:

-In the inner cities especially, with the advent of Social Security, Welfare and Medicare, the work ethic has greatly diminished, as well as the family structure. There are certain populations of this country that are experiencing 75% and higher out-of-wedlock birth rates. The role of Father and Husband has significantly degraded because a man is no longer required to provide for his family. While this is not the destruction of a culture, I woudl venture to say that it is highly damaging to all cultures. You may disagree, but this is my opinion, based on the facts that I have seen/read.

God Bless!!