Ryan Schaecher
Well-Known Member
Cool Tom! I doubt there are many who match our voting record
I can match it since 1996 (when I turned 18). Not too bad.
I disagree, those that fight back are the patriotic ones.
Not necessarily true. If you fight a lawful order as a soldier of the United States, you are not patriotic, you are incarcerated. People like (Kim Il) John Murtha, Dick Durbin and associated ilk are not patriotic, they are moronic. How is it patriotic to find glee in the deaths of our soldiers?
Agh yes, the Bush/Hitler comparison...that train's never late!
True. Course there's the interesting facts that the first things that Hitler did were:
1) Eliminate the practice of religion
2) Eliminate the private ownership of firearms
3) Kill all "useless" citizens, namely the old, infirmed, handicapped, etc.
4) Destroy complete cultures of Jews, Gypsi's, etc
What are the major key platforms of the leftist movement?
1) Destruction of religion as it is a form of intolerance
2) The complete revokation of the second amendment
3) The acceptance of euthanasia and abortion
4) Hand over all power to the UN, which is Anti-Isreal, Pro-Genocide and Pro-Totalitarian State
So, when people try and say that "Bush Is Hitler Reborn", the facts actually say otherwise.
I guess if you muster all the brainpower of the entire Democratic party you still can't get anyone close to Ken Starr.
Well stated. The Republicans won control partly though obstruction, but mostly for having ideas. The Dems are trying to take control stricktly through obstruction. No new ideas, except new taxes (see New Jersey).
Sadly though, the Republicans are handing the Dems control because of incompetance and acting like liberals instead of the conservatives most people voted for.
Sorry, not buying it. If the Dems really had something against Bush they would leak it to the press and try him in the court of public opinion. To some extent they have already tried that again and again, but all attacks leave him still standing...sure, bruised and down in the opinion polls, but still standing.
Very true. Look at what Dan Blather tried. Look at the way the Dems responded to the wire tap issue. Look at the way that the lefties tried to use Valerie Plame. Look how the lefty's are attempting to use the financial tracking information. None of it has resonated with the average American. Not like lying to a federal grand jury, falsifying records, intimidating witnesses, loosing subpoenaed documents for two years, getting underlings to lie for you, the mysterious deaths of 57 individuals associated with you....