01 Tranny Problem HELP.....

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rob chaw

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2001
Reaction score
Oakland Park, FL
Just as the title says.....TRANNY PROBLEM....

It shifts from 1 to 2nd ok.... sometimes...

then from 2nd to 3rd (heres the problem)

it wants to shift, the RPMs wind up about another 1000 rpms then shifts.

i know thats not right its a big hesitation between shifts. and a bang if i hold the foot pedal (i always try not to let it BANG in the shifts by letting the gas peddle go.)

(sometimes shifting from 1 to 2 does it also)...

This has been a minor problem in the past nut now it is very bad, i did install an intake (yesterday) could i have moved or done something in the process of that?

Ay HELP would be greatly appreciated...


[Broken External Image]:
This has been a minor problem in the past nut now it is very bad, i did install an intake (yesterday) could i have moved or done something in the process of that?

At the minor problem stage you should have fixed it, Now I bet the tranny is completely wiped and a rebuild is enivatble.....

Any mods you do will increase the power and the way the engine performs, shortening the life even more....

A $200-400 Fix is now going to cost you $1800-3000 .....

Todd Z
Todd is right, this will be very bad news. Welcome to the club. Thankfully I have a father in law who does tranny's and dropped and rebuilt mine for $320.00(cost of parts). It was still under the ESP, but Ford wouldn't commit to covering it until they charged me $400 to tear it down and find the problem (even though everyone on this forum already told me what it was). Let us know how you make out.

possibly another member for the class action lawsuit?

What a great idea. Class action. Sounds so powerful, so punishing, so.... lucritive..for the lawyers.

You spend three years to get a settlement. When you finally get it, you get a coupon for a free cup of coffee from your ford dealer and a voucher for a free trial of Blockbuster online movie rental while the lawyers make $45 million off the lawsuit.

What a win-win situation.


Had the same prob on 01ST with 95000 miles

Took to a local tranny shop and for $500 they fixed the problem.

Turned out to be a couple of solenoids, a couple of other small pieces (forget the exact parts) and works great now.

If you want more specifics e-mail me [email protected]

Oh great...another wise crack from gayman! Listen, my sister is a lawyer...she wouldn't take all the money, she would share.

FWIW, call me by my name. Calling me Gayman is an insult and I don't appreciate it. Calling people names will get you banned from this website. Rich is serious about it.

Since your sister is a lawyer, have her pursue it. She will get nowhere and she will get her pound of flesh while everyone with get the bones.

Show me one class action lawsuit where everyone involved got thier due. I have yet to see one. The RIAA was ripping people off with the price of CD's. What did you get out of the settlement? $5.00 or so. I have purchased over 100 CD's and I got $5.00 back.

I bet the lawyers made out.

Class Action Lawsuits only pay for the lawyers. They are the ones that make out, the plaintifs NEVER do.

I say got for it. Get your sister involved. I doubt she could even handle a class action lawsuit. I am not saying she is not a good lawyer, but class action lawsuits are like going to the supreme court. Not all lawyers are able to do it. There is a difference between a trial lawyer and a bankruptcy lawyer to a divorce lawyer.

Let her go for it. See if she gets anywhere.

I actually got money once from a class action lawsuit. Had something to do with a credit card company misrepresenting actual interest charges. Got a check in the mail for the vast sum of.........$0.02 Yep, not a misprint, a check for two cents. Never cashed it, kept it around to show people how the class action scam works. Lawyers get big bucks, the "winners" get little to nothing most of the time.

So, if you think anyone here would get any real remedy from a transmission class action lawsuit, think again. Might get as much as an extended warranty to 100,000 miles and maybe a free flush at the dealer. The lawyers would get millions$$$$$$$$.
I have been declared a plaintiff in several class action lawsuits and never even got 1 cent, much less 2 censts. I think the lawyers get paid by the number of people they can include in the class action lawsuit.

I just got another class action lawsuit notice the other day regarding credit monitoring services like Experion, etc. It said I am in the lawsuit and don't have to do anything, however unless I go to a website and file a claim, I cannot recieve any compensation. If I want to be excluded then I have to go to another site and fill out another form that states I don't want to be included in the class action Lawsuit. Actually it sounds more like a scam than a lawsuit.


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