07 Trac, One Tough Truck (accident)

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Ron Tobias

Active Member
Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
Brunswick, GA
Wow, what a morning! I was the #2 vehicle in a four car pile-up this morning and the Trac held up fantastic!! Cars 3 (behind me) and 4 (hit us all) were both totaled. The Trac appears to only have a cracked bumper fascia in the front and the hitch and rear bumper are bent and damaged. Did I mention the Honda behind me was totaled. In fact, it was hard to make out if was a Honda or a Mazda. The front (where he hit me) was pushed all the way back to the front wheels and his rear (where the woman hit him) was pushed past the rear tires. His driver's seat was broken and in his back seat. The number 4 (Escape) car was smashed all the way back past the front tires almost to the cowl.

We were sitting at a red light and, according to a witness, the woman driving the number 4 vehicle never even slowed down. The witness was behind her in the next lane and he said he never even saw brake lights. I had just leaned forward to turn on the radio and never saw it coming. I didn't hear any brakes, nothing until wham. I thought for sure when I looked back the Trac was going to be destroyed but you'd probably walk right past it and not even know it was in an accident if I didn't point it out. Thank you Lord and thank you Ford.
Glad you are okay R.T. It sounds like the ST kept you in good shape. I bet the car in front of you had even less damage. Not to water down the build quality of the ST or anything, but usually the cars to the front of the accident get less damage because the first car absorbs most of the initial impact, hence the extensive damage to both the rear (initial impact) and front (second impact) of the Honda. I'm sure the Escape is damaged, but probably not as bad as the Honda which took the brunt of the impact

Again, glad you are okay R.T.
R T, Glad you are ok! Did you get pictures?! I surely know what it is like when a driver does not pay attention...it sucks for everyone. The dealership can check for hidden damage, go get an estimate. It will help you in the long run.
It is good to get a look under the skin just to be sure. Some bumpers are only good for one shot.
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Sorry guys, no pictures of the accident scene and I'll be taking it in next week to check for any hidden damage and get it fixed up good as new.

One thing I find interesting is that I spent 40 of my first 43 years living in the Detriot metro area with tons of traffic. In that time I only had one accident (black ice, hit the wall on the freeway). I have lived in a small town area (67000 people in the entire county) for the last 6 years and this is my third accident. (non-drivers)

As for Lil Red's observation of the first car absorbing the impact, the amount of damage that car sustained would definitely support that fact. Really sucks for him, but I'm glad another car was between me and ramming force of the last car.
Hey RT,

Glad to here you are OK.


You say you were driving an 07, but your profile says you have an 04. when you get some time you may want to update your profile.

Paul H
Glad you're ok and you sustained minor damage.

I'm amazed at some drivers today. They don't pay attention to what is happening in front of them. They don't scan ahead and back. They don't anticipate anything. That driver should have to go to a HPDE driving school and pay for it out-of their pocket. They will learn car control. Learn how to keep the DBs down so they can concentrate on the road. And, mostly learn to focus!

Got the police report this morning. I'll give you one guess as to what the driver that plowed into three cars stopped at stop light was doing at the time?

That's right..........................she was looking for her cell phone!!!!!!
My wife was plowed into at a stoplight by a guy in a BMW SUV who was on his cell. He even admitted how surprising it was that he could be focused on the cell phone to the point where he never noticed the traffic stopped at the light. Fortunately, nobody was hurt.