106 mph and still pulling???

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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
I have never drove my trac past 85mph. Today I got my '04 to 107mph and it was still pulling when I backed off, because of traffic ahead. I thought our tracs were limited to 96mph. The tires Iam running are .4" taller than stock and that would make the speedo read slower than actual. It wasnt' cutting out or the ecu trying to limit my speed. I dont have a chip or xcal.

Is it Possible I have an odd tune from the factory? I wish I would have had more room to max out the speed.

Anyone have an answer, besides why you going that fast ? I was the only one on this strech of highway, until I caught up with traffic..:huh:

With the swaybar work and the rsx shocks it was very stable for stock height.
Hahah. I didn't know we were mechanically limited to 96mph! I broke well over a hundred mph one time on my way home from Vegas. It seemed relatively safe with no traffic around, well paved roads, and well lit highway, so I gave it a shot. Didn't have XCal tune installed back then either. Mine's an 04 btw.
I hae had my Trac over 125 MPH. GPS verified.

Beware, we will have to "do gooders" scold you for driving fast.

FWIW, it is not mechanicaly limited, it is ECU limited. The Trac can run faster than the ECU will allow. Maybe some Trac's do not have the programming that will allow you to go faster than it should.

hmmm, I wonder how fast my 07 will go? The next time i'm out on the interstate and no one is around i'll see. To date the fastest i've been is around 85 or so....a 96mph limit isn't too bad but hopefully mine will do more:)

Let's see who will be the 1st "do gooder" to jump in...
I've buried my speedometer before, but it's hard to get a picture with 2 hands on the wheel.

And yeah, some people here on the site don't like it when you have fun...
Will be the first to say it,Is absolutly insane to drive any short wheelbase, High center of Gravity Vehicle at those speeds.

Yes I have rolled a truck once,due to High speed, went over 3 times on altamont pass (was not fun.yes I have had my stang at 140+ last year in Nevada.

was fun, but the car is built to do that and the tires are rated for those speeds JMO.

Be carefull:eek:
I know my 04 adren was limited at 96 or so.......

Could be the tires, could just be the computer code......

I know the 07 will do over 110, I remember passing Gary S when the idiot on the Southern State was being a jerk...

[Broken External Image]:

Todd Z
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All Sport Trac's are limited to the 96 MPH by the ECU. The early 2001 Job1 Sport Tracs got out of the factory without the speed limit getting set. Unless you have had your ECU reprogrammed, you will not be able to exceed about 100 MPH.

All cars manufactured or sold in the USA are speed limited to the maximum speed rating of the factory equiped tires. While Ford may have slipped up in 2001, I'm sure they would not be dumb enough to do that again.

Most standard passenger cars, trucks and SUV's are limited to 96 MPH which is the maximum speed rating for their tires. Some cars have better tires and may be set to 106 or even slightly higher.

Cars capable of exceeding 149 MPH have tires designated with a "ZR" speed rating. There are also tires rated for speeds in excess of 186 MPH and are designated as "ZR**"

Larger tires would indicate you were going much faster than 106MPH that was showing on the speedometer.

My 2001 Job1 Sport Trac did not have the speed limiter set, and I got it up to 105MPH and then ran out of road, but it could have gone faster. My 2003 shuts off power when it hit about 96MPH. Let off the gas and the engine runs fine again.

My new Mercedes has a 160 MPH speedometer and the tires are "H" speed rated, for speeds up to 130MPH. I suspect that the speed limit may be right at that speed, but I have not tried to see how fast it goes...yet... Heck it's only 4 days old.

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I can't believe that there are Tracs with the limiter that can hit 96 - my 03' will not go over 90, and when driving it at max speed (which happens fairly regularly) the 'vibration' that it gets when it's up against the limiter always bothers me.

Now I'm really disapointed that mine appears to be even more limited than usual - I really could use the extra 6+ mph some days ;)
How is the ST a short wheelbase? From wheel to wheel the ST is longer than many other vehicles.

I know the ST isn't anywhere NEAR as wide as it should be to offset the CoG, but we can't have a hummer-width ST......

Making the wheelbase longer shouldn't really change the cog to a safer level....if I am wrong and it does, then it will make turning impossible and wind resistance a pain. Only a Toyota can succumb to the wind....Tacoma Narrrows....Toyota Tacoma...it's destiny lol

(Hey, I was reaching)

Someday I'll get those wheel spacers, but I fear for my suspension.

And my trac can't go Todd Z speed....I maxed out trying to keep someone from illegally passing me on a deserted road, and while they did pass me in a monte carlo, I did pass them on a curve....they wussed out in a sporty car and were whupped by a truck...though they subsequently passed me again. Though in the end I cut them off at the traffic light, before detering to the gas station which was accessible from a point right before the white line at the intersection.

The vibration and the thrill were there....the going above 95 was not :(

(and when I filled up, I still had 19 mpg!)
Ya'll and your V8's

I've seen posts on here about breaking the rear wheels free with just an xcal tune or a ZB throttle body.....I'm just going to sigh and assume that such powah from a simple mod only comes from the V8-embodied trac.

That's Lame...though my trac isn't!
Wait, wait, wait. Does that mean that even if my speedometer is reading above 96mph, the Trac really isn't going that fast???
Tiger is correct. Most vehicles have some amount of speedometer error. Not every Sport Trac has the same amount of Speedo error, and the Speedo error can vary greatly from one sport trac to another. Only one thing is pretty consistant. Speedometers from all manufacturers always read higher than your actual speed, and tend to get more inaccurate as your speed increases.

My 2003 Sport Trac was off by about 4 MPH at speed between 30-50 MPH. At about 75 MPH it was nearly 6 MPH too high. This has been verified with two GPS units. My Garmin reads MPH down to the 10th of a MPH.

So if you start changing tire sizes, etc, you will get some very strange speedometer readings

As a side note: My new Mercedes digital speedometer reads exactly one MPH faster than the actual GPS speed all the way up to 90 MPH which is as fast as I have driven it so far. I was rather amazed that it was so accurate and when my speed changed by 1 MPH, the GPS reflected that exact same change instantly.
