13 year old told he cannot have American Flag on his bike

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How close was this to that Sacramento school that made those students turn their US flag shirts inside out? I still feel that if people complain about our flag in the U.S. they should leave the country, (or the POW/MIA flag for that matter as well):fire:
Unbelievable. Safety my A$$. Deal with the trouble makers instead. This kind of crap is why my ex will not teach in public schools now. She got fed up with the politics and having to suck A$$.
Sorry to say it but all stems from the over sensitive white people trying to please everyone and be "P.C." that has made it this way. I'm in NO way politically correct, I'll tell anyone off if they don't like the way I am or what I say. I used to fly a Confederate Flag, POW/MIA, American Flag on all of my trucks all summer long and always got flack from the yuppie white people for flying the POW/MIA and Confederate Flags. Keep in mind I'd visit my friends in the worst ghetto's in Pittsburgh and surrounding areas and never once had anyone say anything except they had respect for me for having the balls to fly them at all. Not trying to start a war on here but it's the truth. Take it or leave it.

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Jerry, I fly the US flag and POW/MIA in front of my house. I have both stickers and US Army and "nam vetrans stickers, on my back trac window.
I fly my American and POW/MIA Flags in front of my house. I really can't stand how "P.C." people have gotten, it only seems as if anything "American" is bad and not to be celebrated. Like "holiday partys" (christmas) or just wearing, displaying an American Flag is frowned upon in alot of places in this country. I call B.S. You don't like it here or the way people are here " Get the F out !!!!":angry::fire::fire::fire::soap::smack:
I think anyone that is offended by the flying of the American Flag. Should pack up and leave.

it is the Flag of the country you live in. If you have a problem with that then you should not be here.

It would be a different story if it were a different flag. But not the Red, White and Blue. It stands for everything the USA stands for.. and should never be taken down with in our borders because someone is offended..

It is hard to be here in Denmark.. according to the US Embassy here. I am not allowed to fly the US Flag unless I get a permit from the local police department. the Rule here is no flag other then the Danish flag or other EU country. But I hope to be able to get my permit soon..

Sal A, that's what we need to enforce here, it would defenitely solve the Debt. There's sooo many foreigners here that fly their country's flag that the US wouldn't have any budget problems.

For a good BLAST of patriotism which I need after seeing something like this, google Jim Cornelison doing the Star Spangled Banner at the Chicago Black Hawks games or at Soldier Field on 10/24/11. It brings grown men to tears and fires up the crowd like nowhere else. This man understands 'love of Country'.

The school backed off on this stupidity, and the boy received an escort to school from a local contingent of Patriot Guard Riders and American Legion Riders

<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6U2hB-Pz4zs&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6U2hB-Pz4zs&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>

More pictures at the link below.
Andy C,

How close was this to that Sacramento school that made those students turn their US flag shirts inside out?

Just over an hours drive south & east of Sacramento. Click on "View Larger Map" at the bottom left hand corner.

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