15" LCD Screen / Rear Back Up Camera Question

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Chris Kulbaba

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary, AB
Hey everyone.. now that I have my indash installed and noticing the prices on 15" LCD monitors and backup cameras im thinking of adding these to my ST...

Anyone have recommendations on what backup camera and a 15" drop down LCD monitor I should be looking at?


are you planning on putting th 15" LCD up front somewhere so that you use it in conjunction with the back up camera? where are you going to mount that so its functional? just curious
That's a huge monitor to mount in the front of a vehicle.

I'm sure the law would stop you if they saw such a thing.

Seems like a smaller one would be better for the front?
ummm.... for most heavil modded vehicles... most things you do would be illegal... like the ability to play movies up front while you drive. These are the things you dont go and consult the cops with befoe you do the mod and hope you dont get caught, hahahahah.

Now, who is going to start preaching to me about this.......???? any takers??
i notcied in his post he was wanting to add these pieces in conjunstion with his indash. just remember you get what you pay for. a good 15 inch monitor should run you between 500 -800 dollars and a back up cam depending on the features should be in the ballpark of 100 -150. keep hat in mind

hey, for tailgaters, a nice 42" hd plasma would look good mounted to the underside of tonneau, a mini sat. dish, some external spkrs., some ice, some pops and your all set... plus who needs 15" when 7" is all you really need.

Well no, this was going to be suspended from from the ceiling, for back seat entertainment ;) I have the 7" LCD up front for the rear backup camera.

Funny someone would mention the satellite... Im actually considering this, lol. I am wondering if there is somethign SMALLER that will sit in on or somewhere in the ST.... Id like to have satellite internet as well, hopefully running my xbox on xboxlive, and my laptop on the internet. Crazy I know, but come on you only live once!

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Why don't you just turn your head, then you may even be able to see people in your blind spots.

Q out.

Im questioning if anyone really NEEDS a backup camera or not. But I do know its kinda cool, and thats the only reason I want it ;)

Im not about functionality right now, more along the lines of "WOW" instead ;)
