1st update on trans slipping issue

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Allen, TX
Ford called me today to let me know they don't have a tranny tech on duty on the weekends.

He said from what I explained about the trans slipping only after it has sat for several hrs, that he thinks it "could" be a bit low on tranny fluid and that they have seen this prob on these '07's in the past.

This is something I could have checked on my own, but "Thank You Ford for removing the tranny dip stick" on my '07, this has made it quite difficult to check since you have to crawl under the truck to get to the fill plug.

Since I cannot get to the dealership any sooner, I'll take it in this weekend (sat) and have them check the level.

I really question as this being the issue since I just had the truck in there 3K miles ago for a oil change, and Ford does check ALL fluid levels as part of their multi point inspection when you bring your truck to them....right??

I've looked and there is no area anywhere around the tranny that looks like oil has seeped out from anyplace. Could it be this truck was a bit low on tranny fluid when I bought it and this prob is just now showing up?

Guess I'll know for sure after I take it in to them....if they say the level is fine, I'll have to sched. another appt at a later date when their trans techies are there or leave it and grab a loner.

Will keep y'all posted on the results....

bottom line the tranny is not that good. twice to the dealer with my 07 for the famous tsb (slight rear bump upon de-acceleration). and of course it is back.

as far as ford checking the fluids at your last oil change, ??????

with my previous trac and my 07 when i return to the dealer (2 different dealers) for issues, they make you feel like they are doing you a favor and that you i am an "inconvience".

my 07 has the tranny issue, the light behind the headlight switch went as well as the rear turn signal bulb and warm air cond. imo, a bit much for a one year old truck.

the tranny on my 04 went at 32K. a bit pre-mature?

sorry just venting as i feel the service dep't should kick it up a notch. when i bring my driven hard abused fleet toyota's back for warranty issues, no questions and returned within a day or two.

good luck with your problem(s)
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Sorry to hear all the headaches your having with yours.....this is the first issue with mine....

I agree on the dealership service comment......when I took my truck in for it's first oil change, I used their "Quick Lane"...I was the 5th car in line and it took them 3 1/2 hrs do do the friggin oil change......so much for calling that part of their service "Quick Lane".

I love Fords and I love my truck......but I can't stand the service from their service depts, never have regardless of which Ford dealership I've been to.

The last time they screwed with me, I chased off at least half of their potential new car buyers and will do it again should they give me the run-around. What really pissed me off when I took the truck for the oil change, I asked how long it was going to take and was quoted by the advisor that I'd be in/out in no more than one hr.
i love my trac as well, but am tired of the " we are doing you a favor attitude "

when the gen 2 first came out i stopped at the local ford dealer for some sales broucher info, and when i asked the sales rep who was walking by, he said we don't have any, and when i asked when they would be getting them in, he said , i don't know and kept walking.

maybe a good idea would have been to take my name and number so when they come in and if they got a new trac in, he would have called me for a potential sale. you think ???

not a good thing for a company trying to hang in there.

i know certain members are going to say i am ford bashing, but it is what it is !!
Other than warranty work, I never go to the dealership service centers for anything. I just don't trust their service techs, nor do I care for what they charge for service & parts.

Oil changes, etc.....I can do myself, but I'm just lazy and would rather take it to Oil Depot and have them do it for me. But I have no prob in keeping my 'baby' clean myself :)

I kinda miss the ol cars where you could start it up, take out the battery and it would still run. When I bought my ST, I opened the hood and my first words were "yikes" :) There's alot of stuff under there that I have no idea of what it does or where it starts and ends. :wacko:

You guys that do mess with your trucks, thanks for your time in sharing with the rest of us your ideas, what to look for and how to repair. That's what keeps this site alive....
Low trans fluid level is BS.

Of course they don't check the fluid. Too much work. Just check off the pre-delivery checklist and "ship it".

I remember the VW beetle that my mom bought in '74. At each 15,000 miles the dealer did a full inspection, including engine compression check and put the results on each work order.

Customers are just an inconvenience to dealers now.


Yeah, some sales reps are that way....seems if your not flashing a bunch of money in their face, they won't give you the time of day.

Then there are those that come down on you like a hawk while your looking over their cars on the lot.

I bought my truck via their internet sales dept and didn't have to deal with their normal sales crew.
i know certain members are going to say i am ford bashing, but it is what it is !

Are you Ford bashing or do you understand that a dealer is not owned by Ford but a private individual.

If you got bad service at McDonalds, would you blame it on McDonalds Corporation or the individual owner? If you got bad service at a John Deere dealer, would you say "John Deere is not taking care of its customers", or would you recognise that the dealer is privatly owned and the problem rests in the manager or owner?

Gavin.....I agree that it may be BS, but I'll take it in and see if it could be the case. I know they didn't check fluid levels, because my PS fluid is just below the min mark level and was like that when I bought the truck....so, I know they didn't add any, nor do I think they checked the tranny when I had the oil change.

Tom.....I've never bashed Ford, but have done so with many of their dealerships in my area from previous issues and dealings with them. Can't say much about other dealerships since I only buy Fords :)

My Ford dealer gave my truck a "wall job" instead of doing the first free oil change as promised. I took it in at 2000 miles and they said it was all changed and ready to go. I crawled under it and saw that my marks on the oil filter were still there, and the drain plug had no paint lines broken. Oil level was exactly where it was when I took it in.

Went back and talked to the service manager who denied it and got real red. Everyone denied it and said they had given it the standard 69-point inspection and changed the filter and oil. I said fine and left, went home and wrote the owner of the dealership a nice little letter. He sent me a coupon for a free oil change. :(
Good tip Gavin.....I might try that and mark my trans plug.....this will tell me if they even check the fluid level.

That's another reason I like to go someplace like Oil Well since I can stand there and watch every move they make on my truck.
Caymen said:
Are you Ford bashing or do you understand that a dealer is not owned by Ford but a private individual.

If you got bad service at McDonalds, would you blame it on McDonalds Corporation or the individual owner? If you got bad service at a John Deere dealer, would you say "John Deere is not taking care of its customers", or would you recognise that the dealer is privatly owned and the problem rests in the manager or owner?

If I infrequently got bad service at a McDonald's location I would blame it on those McDonald's. If I got bad service at many McDonald's I would blame it on the corporation.

If I didn't like the taste of a new McDonald's food product (regardless where it was made), or thought it wasn't up to the level of McDonald's other products then I would blame the corporation.

Problems related to the general product or with the fundamentals of the service as defined by and instilled by the corporation are the fault of the corporation.

A GOOD corporation is one that that will gladly accept the blame of its affiliates and finds ways to reduce variation amongst its owner/operators.

McDonald's actually is a great example of a company that does this well. They leave little to chance, and the product and service you get, by and large, is uniform from location to location.

I absolutely DO BLAME FORD that they can't claim the same when it comes to their dealers and authorized repair centers. Everyone SHOULD BLAME FoMoCo that getting good, quality products and services sold and repaired from their authorized sales and repair centers is essentially "hit or miss." That's Ford Motor Corp's fault.

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yes i am aware, either way , ford grants this private invinidual the rights to represent their company. i think the majority of imports do as well.

so it ok that a private owner treats you like crap?

and yes i had a bad experience at mcdonalds. i shot off an e-mail to corp and they replied with a professional response. not to mention they accepted full responsibilty.

and if i remember corretly, they are U.S.A based business.

btw, does mcdonalds offer "private individuals franchise offers"

again, the table is empty

I needed a replacement coded key (was down to 1); called the dealer; asked how much, they stated $75. I immediately drove down there, took about 15 minutes. When I pulled up to the service bay and asked again how much, I was told $150. I explained I had just called and was quoted $75...he couldn't have cared less.

In retrospect, I should've asked to speak to the person who quoted me the $75 and tried to get it straightened out, but the service rep's attitude just "drove me" away.

Another time at a national chain shop, Midas or something, I was getting an oil change and tire rotation. It was a great deal for $18. I stood in the waiting room watching the tech through a window. He actually removed all wheels, but didn't rotate them.

Once he started re-installing them in the same position, I grabbed the manager and informed him of this. He stated (without checking) that the wheels were rotated.

I insisted they remove and rotate. Never been back to that shop again.
btw, does mcdonalds offer "private individuals franchise offers"

again, the table is empty

Gary, are you asking a question? I am not sure for two reasons. First off, if you notice on your keyboard on the lower right, there is a symbol near, if not next to, your right side shift key. That is called the "Question Mark". That is used to tell the reader you are posing a question. You place it at the end of your question like this.

Is it cold outside?


How was work today?

The second is the possible question could be asking. I figured this was information everyone has known. Guess I was wrong.


p.s. Do you know how to click a link? (See the question mark again! I am asking you a question.)
Caymen said:

Are you Ford bashing or do you understand that a dealer is not owned by Ford but a private individual.

If you got bad service at McDonalds, would you blame it on McDonalds Corporation or the individual owner? If you got bad service at a John Deere dealer, would you say "John Deere is not taking care of its customers", or would you recognise that the dealer is privatly owned and the problem rests in the manager or owner?

I blame Ford 100%! The last time I checked the dealers were the common link between Ford the manufacturer and the consumer. With that being said if customers feel like the FORD dealers (no matter who owns them) are giving substandard results then who needs to step up to the plate and make sure the issue is resolved? You go it, FORD! It doesn't matter who ultimately owns each dealership, if your name and logo is on the establishment that's where the blame should go, PERIOD.

Why in the world would you allow anyone to display your name/logo and be responsible for selling your product to consumers but not be willing to take ownership of the issues. The bottom line is this, "If Ford doesn't care about the customer's issues, why should the customer continue to patronise them?"
Ford is cracking down. In the past, they required each dealer to have one trained and certified tech to be on the payroll somewhere in the dealership before honoring warranty repairs regardless of which tech did the repairs. Now Ford is trying to force the dealers to make sure that only techs ford-trained andcertified on the specific vehicle and specific component they are doing warranty work, or else Ford will not honor dealers' warranty claims. The dealers are all hugely up in arms over this and there is much resistance and anger toward Ford for making them get more techs trained and certified.

Just makes common sense to me.


thanks for the tips, i was never good with computers. but since you are an expert i will seek your asssistance in the future.

but once again, the table is still empty :p

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