2 Tall Boys and a bag of weed under the seat of a brand new Dodge Charger SRT8 but have a question

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You guys that are saying no big deal are wrong, specifically in Nelson's senario. If you get pulled over at the gate of a military base and they have a drug dog go over your car and even smell the residue, your in deep sheshie.
Perhaps Chrysler is simply employing alternative ideas to generate revenue to save the company by selling other "products".;) Sounds kind of like the "DeLorean Business Plan" to me!:lol:
When you buy a new car, that only means you are the first registered owner. There are always a few miles on the vehicle and usually the warranty is adjusted to compensate for those miles. Most dealers do not discount the price for mileage until they have over 150, but that depends on the dealer and the model.

How would your friend be entitled to a new vehicle?? Imagine that insted of two beer cans there were two $100 bills instead...I'll bet he would not be complaining.

As for the bag of weed?? I don't know that he can expect anything more than having the dealer insure that the vehicle is thouroughly cleaned so that no drug sniffing dogs will hit on his car. Beyond that, I don't think he has a leg to stand on as far as getting a new car or his money back.

sure, it sucks that someone (most likely a few people) at the dealership took his vehicle out for a joy ride, but im hearing about this more and more and it seems like it is becoming common practice.

They are so bored they have to pass the time doing something...
Slightly similar situation--a friend bought a brand new truck, which he had requested that there be no dealer identification on the back. He forgot to check it before leaving the lot--and when he got home, he discovered a dealer badge on the tailgate--one that had holes drilled in the sheet metal of the tailgate to attach it! He went back less than 20 minutes later, furious, and insisted that he be given a new truck. They wouldn't do it--although they did acknowledge that he had requested no dealer ID. The best they were willing to do was they offered to switch tailgates with another truck (same model and color) that had just arrived from the factory and which had not been drilled yet. He turned them down, and instead talked to a few different lawyers--all of which told him the same thing: There's no way he's going to get a new truck out of it, his only options are to accept their tailgate switch offer, or he can spend more money on lawyers and he may instead get the dealership to pay for a from-the-factory replacement tailgate, which would be no better than the one he's currently being offered but which would cost him the lawyer fees.

He went back to the dealer and learned that the tailgate swap offer was still good--but that they no longer had any identical tailgates without badges on the lot. Two weeks later, they did get one--and he accepted the swap.

Moral--This guy couldn't get a new vehicle, and the dealer had actually physically DAMAGED it. I therefore can't see how your friend is going to have any success.
Demanding a new car for something like this would be absolutely ridiculous...then again just bringing up demanding a new car because of this doesn't make tons of sense either...no wonder america is in the shape it is...boo hoo there was 2 empty cans and a bag of something in my brand new car...please. Imagine what would have happened if a bird took a dump on it while it was sitting at the dealership!!!
That dealer was irresponsible. I don't think it is a reason for a new car, but when I bought my Mazda, I picked it up on my lunch hour. I drove straight into a military base from the lot. They often have drug dogs at the gate, and I would have been busted big time.

The military has zero tolerance. At a minimum, I would immediately have my security clearance suspended and I would be assigned new duties while the investigation was initiated. If they didn't believe my story, they would kick me out of the military with a bad conduct discharge, and I would lose all military benefits to include my retirement. This would result in the loss of 100s of thousands of dollars for the rest of my life, and my chances of getting a good paying job would be almost nil.

I wonder if this dealship also lets employees go on joy rides with cars in for maintenance. Now I may have an uneasy feeling every time I get a car serviced. You never know what goes on when you aren't there.
I don't understand the problem, instead of cash back they got grass back, both are green and grass is cash. puts a whole new spin on dealer!
Nelson, do not think this happens on a regular basis, not to worry.

Drug use far above your rank is off the wall in the military, get over it.
I would at least talk to the local PD and have a drug dog go over the vehicle. If he filed a report about the found stash, and such, it shouldn't be an issue. The PD may like the opportunity to train on anyway.

I would rather be safe now, knowing that the dog found nothing else than get pulled over at some other point and be found with more dope than was already found.

I would also take the report to the dealer and ask what he'd like to do with it, before taking it to the local news station.
I wouldn't be concerned with the miles on the unit already. I would be concerned that the dealer didn't even go through this vehicle for a final prep. Not only my dealership, but FLM requires each new unit delivery to be clean.

They should clean the vehicle top to bottom for you or refund you any fees related to the final prep.
How would you feel if there were two used condoms in the car?

Disgusted beyond all belief. No amount of car washing and detailing could restore purity in my eyes.

I'd be sitting in the car wash trying, like stewie or peter from fg, but (same as for them) no amount of washing ever restores purity :(

With all this leniency for the dealer being able to use your "new" car, I have to ask if a car is really every "new", or just "less used"?

I already pity the fools @ the stealership as they were dumb enough to drink the vile beer and not toke up to get the memory of that nasty taste out of their minds. Seriously, what stoner forgoes weed for beer?

I agree on making sure that there's no more marijuana, but in this instance, not trying to force the dealer to do anything. Seems to me that such is akin to suing for malpractice when it wasn't committed; just makes the car owner look low and raises prices all around.

Besides, would you really want stoners with poor taste in alcohol detailing your ride? Who's to say that they wouldn't accidentally leave something behind again?

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