2002 Ranger 4x4 Manual question

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George T

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
I have a queston about my dads 2002 ranger which is 4x4 and manual and has 71,967 miles on it.He has the warranty on it until 72,000!!!My question is that what do you think is the problem when he starts moving form a stop sign or street light(from neutral to 1st) it kind of makes a whistiling or kind of a rejection noise.We brought it to Omeara ford but they said that they hink it is this one thing in the tranny that supposely wears down but didnt take it apart to check:angry:,So basically my question is do you know what the problem is and should the warranty cover it.:unsure:

Thank you, i need youer response before the warranty expires:eek:
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Possibly the first gear synchronizer. If your dad has a habit of shifting into first gear as the truck rolls to a stop (a lot of us do) before it is stopped completely, it wears the synchro down over time. Then the ONLY way it will go into first is when the truck is rolling. Just an educated guess.

With 70,000 miles it wouldn't hurt to change the trans fluid (and t-case) if it hasn't been done. Both take plain Mercon ATF and if you get a suction gun to fill them it isn't at all hard to do. If the tranny is a little gunked up that might help.
What do you mean by "rejection noise"? Do you mean it is making a grinding sound? In addition to what the others have suggested, you might want to check the fluid level in the reservoir for the hydraulic clutch. If it has never been checked it could be low and if it is low enough there may be air in the system which would cause the clutch to not be fully disengaging when the pedal is depressed. That would cause the truck to shift hard. When the truck is at rest, does it go into reverse without grinding? It it grinds, then it could be just a low fluid level. If there is air in the system it will require that the system be bled and that would be best left to a service technician.