2003 2WD Transmission Oil change disaster - need help

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Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
I need some quick advice. Short story - I changed the tranny oil - now no forward and no reverse (and engine running funny for some reason). Long Story - I did something stupid - I took off the hose to the tranny cooler in front of the engine - started engine and drained like 3 quarts out. I than put three quarts back into fill tube. My idea of trying to do a poor man flush since dropping the pan only captures like 4 quarts. I than dropped pan - did EPC adjustment (which I just reversed), new filter, new bolt, new o-rings, new gasget - put back together and added 4 quarts - started engine. Was running funny - kind of shaking around for some reason - put through all the gears several times - tried to back out of garage - no reverse, no forward. Tried 2 other times for short stints of like 30 seconds or so. I dropped the pan thinking I may have left the EPC wires off by accident or new filter not installed correctly- first thing I noticed was that the pan had maybe like 1/2 cup of oil in it. Everything else inside looked good. Pulled dip stick and its way high up on the stick - looks like oil didn't get into pan causing this problem? EPC connection was good and I pullled the torque screw back a 1/4 turn or so just in case. So - I decide to put my hand pump in the tranny pan with it 1/2 installed by 1 bolt so dangling - I hand pumped in 2 quarts of tranny oil into the bottom of the pan - thinking it will help to get oil near the filter - I couldn't see any type of "tube" it draws from. I than stuffed a small hose down the fill tube to draw out 2 quarts because its overfilled now and smallest hose won't go deep enough - about 8" short of dipstick length - used smalled vacuum hose from auto store. I can't get it out. Its dark now so I have not tightened up the pan bolts and not started it back up. I was thinking about taking off tranny cooler lines again and hand pumping some oil into the intake side (right side) - I think the pump ran dry and needs a prime? I can't think of anything else? Advice on how to start this thing up safely and to get the extra oil out safely? I read my factory manual and I couldn't find any special procedure for priming.
Only thing I can think of if the NEW filter bolt was longer (Certain kits give you longer bolts for the earlier transmissions) and it was installed it can damage the valve body.

OR your low on fluid.....

Did you use a 2wd filter ??

And you said the tranny pan was dry, So the pump sucked the oil into the tranny....

The dipsticks are hard to read when your refilling..... I tend to turn them over and for some reason the level is shown on the back...

IT sounds to me that the tranny is low on fluid...

Todd Z
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I do not think there is any procedure for priming. I would let the tranny drain out of the pan.

The new filter you installed, Ford or aftermarket? Did it look identically the same?

I am not too quick to jump on the EPC adjustment. I have yet to do it.

Without actually seeing it, it is hard to even take a guess.

The filter came from Advanced Auto Parts - the kit included o-rings, filter, gasket, bolt. There is a big note to use their new bolt (shorter) and not the "longer" bolt. Regardless I used the new bolt but the "old" bolt was short - same length - so no issue there. Low on oil - I"ve got tons of oil on the dipstick - but yes - it was not in the tranny pan after running engine a few times. The filter looked the same - fit perfectly - but yes aftermarket - I don't think its the problem. The manual lists a bunch of causes for no forward and no reverse. First problem is "electrical" - than moves on to EPC problems - gasket o-rings damaged on filter, etc. Thats why I dropped pan again to check filter install and the wiring harness I disconnected from the EPC. They all looked fine but I was surpised the Pan had not "filled" itself backup. I was hoping I bumped off the physical connection from the gear lever inside to the connection outside the transmission but its hooked up and I moved around from Park - neutral and could see moving inside the transmission. So filter change looked good, connections looked good. I hope the filter was for a 2WD - it fit right.:wacko:
The 4wd filter will fit, but it is Longer in the middle It might hit the pan,

The transmission dipstick tube will only hold about 1/2 a qt, So i am almost certain you are low on fluid..

IF the pan is dry, I would add another 3 qts and start from there...

I think you took out more then you think...

AND please don't take this the wrong way, you are adding the fluid to the transmission dipstick and not the motor ???

Todd Z

Yes - I added the 4 quarts to the tranny dip stick hole - My brother said the same thing so I walked outside and double checked to make sure I wasn't losing it - yellow dip stick on right side. The thing is I measured how much I took out the first time and put back in the same amount - using a clear 1 gallon container. I could be off like you said. I pumped two quarts into the pan directly and it was about to spill over being on a slight angle - hanging down about 1 inch on the rear side. I'll button it up in the morning and see what happens. I just don't know if I should just keep the thing running and changing gears - for how long - when will damage occur, etc. If it'll get fixed I'll do it for an hour - I don't care - I just don't want to create a $1500 problem from something I think should clear up quickly. Its just scary when you put your truck into all the gears and it does nothing. Totally neutral basically. thanks
When you remove the transmission pan, you do loose 4.5 qts of fluid. Now if you ran the truck, removed 3 qts or so, added 3 qts or so and did not start the truck, when you dropped the pan you removed 7 QTS of fluid....

I still think your low on fluid....

Damage can occur to the front pump if it is run dry.... But honestly 30 seconds should not do it.. Since there was not enough fluid to go into gear I doubt you hurt and clutches or bands..

Todd Z
Yes - I added the 4 quarts to the tranny dip stick hole - My brother said the same thing so I walked outside and double checked to make sure I wasn't losing it - yellow dip stick on right side.

Am I wrong or is that the oil dipstick you are referring to and not the trans dipstick. I am almost positive the trans dipstick is on the left hand side. AND, it is red, NOT yellow.

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Jason, I thought the same thing, BUT typically the Right front of the vehicle is the Passenger Front..

Todd Z

Now you can go back to the first post and edit it and play around with it to get used to it..

Todd Z
Its me again - yes - for some reason the more I think about problems the solution usually presents itself. I kept thinking why is the engine running a bit rough? Than as I laid my head down on my pillow within 10 seconds it hit me - I'm truly an idiot and don't even deserve this computer. Yes - the oil dipstick tube is on the right - I never added the tranny oil - its on the left side under some pipes. (left as if I was standing in front of the vehicle). I knew where it was - I just was not thinking straight because I change my motor oil so much I always use the big fill cap on the top - I've probably checked my engine oil like twice in 5 years. So when I shoved the oil down the yellow dipstick I was just "thinking" - its not the big fill cap on top - so it must be this one. I didn't think twice about it. So I need to get some more tranny fluid and fill it for real. I also need to drain my motor oil and filter and refill with just motor oil - I hope 7 quarts of tranny fluid does not do to much damage inside the engine - never got hot - ran for maybe 2 minutes or less. I should change it again in like a few days or so? Well I'm glad I figured out what I did wrong but the way I look at it now I screwed up the tranny AND the engine of a truck I absolutely love and give tons of TLC. This sucks.:angry:

Anyways - once again this web site has proven to help me through my problems. I have TONS of issues with my wifes car - mazda mpv (with a Ford engine - hence all the problems). A similar site has helped me a lot and saved a lot of money. I want to thank everyone for their tips and suggestions - it just took a bit to settle in - it was a long week at work.
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Tranny fluid will not damage your engine. Overfilling it will though.

You should not have damaged anything. Fill the tranny and make sure you check it when it is hot in park (like it says on the dipstick) and change your oil.

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AND please don't take this the wrong way, you are adding the fluid to the transmission dipstick and not the motor ???

Some times the best thing is to simply step back, take a break, think it over and then go back to it.....

Let us know the outcome once it is all back together....

Todd Z

Thanks for the update on the error! Some people would have not responded revealing their mistake out of embarrassment. We all make mistakes.

I don't think anything will be damaged, either. Change/add the oils and let us know, OK?
So, let me get this straight, you accidentaly filled tranny fluid down the oil dipstick tube? You mentioned filling tranny fluid somewhere but I could not find you mentioning where. Just curious, not trying to add injury to insult or whatever. And if I'm reading things right, I'm surprised that tranny fluid in the engine will not result in outright catastrophic failure or breakdown. Always learning something new...
Trac 511,

So I need to get some more tranny fluid and fill it for real. I also need to drain my motor oil and filter and refill with just motor oil - I hope 7 quarts of tranny fluid does not do to much damage inside the engine - ....