2003 Explorer Transmission ((HELP))

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Nov 7, 2001
Reaction score
Tabor City, NC
I have a 2003 Explorer 4X4 with 54000 miles. I have had no mechanical problems with it but decided to have the transmission filter replaced due to having 54000 miles on it and vacation time approaching. I had the transmission filter replaced today and now the transmission shifts extremely hard and at times jerks. It also has a hard downshift. I hear a whining noise which I haven't heard before. The Transmission Shop is now closed and I will have to wait until tomorrow to talk with them. Does anyone have any idea what is going on with my transmission??
Lift the negetive battery cable for 30 minites. Then go drive and see if the adaptive learning will change the way it is shifting. Also check the fluid level..
Should have done it yourself.

Let the shop handle it. They may have put the wrong fluid in it. I do suggest what Eddie says. Try pulling the cable first.

Caymen said:
Should have done it yourself.

Way to kick a guy when he is down.

Why even have professionals in this world and pay for professional services if EVERYONE sucks and EVERYBODY should do things for themselves?


Not venting at you, Caymen, just the general attitude and maybe even the ever growing reality that service in this country sucks, big-time, and that everyone sucks at their jobs and doesn't take pride in their work.

I'm just in a really pi$$y mood today.



I understand TJR. I was taking some automotive classes in hopes to one day be able to make a positive impact in the automotive industry. Right now, after some disturbing realities I have taken a break for a minute in hopes to reform my perspective.
It's true. Today people just work for money that's it. Not all but maybe 68% I would say don't like what they do, it's just what was available at the time when looking for employment. What I hate is the younger kids that work in dept stores that are bullshitting more than they should work, when there are other kids out there that want to work and help customers and not walk around the store and hide from them.
Don't blame it all on the workers. Much of it is also lazy or incompetent management that doesn't set up good intrinsic reward systems for workers. Many workers want to do a good job, but the goofballs and the goofball system they have to work under doesn't reward doing a good job.

Most customers have the 'Wal-Mart" mentality--they want it done cheap cheap cheap with quality as a secondary concern.
A filter and fluid change should/would not cause abnormal operation of the transmission unless they did something wrong, like use the wrong fluid, or installed the wrong filter, or failed to install the )-ring seals, etc.

You should take it back and see what they say. If they are willing to drop the pan and check the filter, o-rings, etc and check that they used Mercon-V compatible fluid, then give them a chance. If not...Then go to another shop and have them document everything they find wrong. Have the fluid flushed, and the filter and o-rings replaced with the proper filter (if it's the wrong one) and show your proof and bills to the first shop that did the filter change. If they won't pay, take them to small claims court and sue them for the cost of repairs.

Do not continue to drive the vehicle with erritic transmission operation or you will surely damage it. Get it fixed, ASAP !!!
