2nd Fitch Report

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Terry Schultz

Active Member
Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
Texas City, TX
I now see 4.5% increase in MPG. In my case a .75 mpg increase.

I average 25.1 MPH.

Do I think that this is great -- NOPE but I have done dumber things with my money :D:D:blink:

Well thats roughly a gallon of gas per fill up saved. Shouldn't take too long to pay for itself at $4 a gallon.
Yes Bill -- 25.1 MPH avg per tank and .75 mpg increase. Having to drive 18.5 MPH at work, with alot of stop and go. kills me and my mpg. That is why I calculate my avg MPH per tank. The avg MPH is an indication of how you drive and maybe why there is a large difference between tank calculations.

I have these numbers, hand calculated for two years. The '07 computer has a timer that only times when the motor is running; so that is how I calculate it.

So whats your impression of the fitch system?

the reason I ask is because you have site members willing to jump at this mod.

do's it work? or not? yeh or nay?
Bill ----

I have no impression of the Fitch. I can only report what results I have with the device. Any mpg increase is good -- would I have liked better -- yes. Would I get a better increase at a higher average MPH, yes, I think I would. I post my numbers to be used by anyone who wants to make the decision to get one. It was my money I spent and it is up to anyone else to make the same decision I did.


your the only one that has tested the device and reported on the the device, how can you say you have no impresssion?

is it working? or not?

Having owned and driven two Sport Tracs over an 8 year period, I am questioning your 25.1 MPG as an AVERAGE when you say you have to go to work in heavy stop and go driving?? That would indicate that most of your driving is in City traffic, which makes your 25.1 MPG even more astonishing.

The best I could ever get out of my Sport Trac's was 22.3 MPG on the highway, driving at night when it was cooler and there was hardly any traffic on the roads. I find it unbelievable that you can get 25.1 MPG in any kind of mixed driving, Also, I am suspicious of you statement that because of driving to work in heavy traffic, that you must average your MPG per tank ??

While you may have no opinion of the Fitch device, it's statements like yours that make me wonder if people really know how to accurately calculate fuel mileage. Frankly, 25.1 MPG on the highway, going down hill with a tailwind would be very unlikely, but to get that in anykind of a mixed city/highway driving is absolutely unbeleivable.

I would have to say your evaluation of the Fitch device would seem to very unscientific and lack any credibility since you appear to be making some adjustments for your driving to work in heavy traffic. Measure all of your miles, bot city and highway driving and tell us what the Fitch device did to your un-alterned gas consumption.

I'm sorry, but as soon as someone hints that they are adjusting their mileage because of the heavy traffic driving to work, that is no longer an evaluation, that kind of statement already implies a bias towards attempting to make their mileage improvement sound better when they may only show an improvement due to the inaccuracy of the fudge-factor being used.

^^^ I have to agree to a point. My 08 ST averages 16 mpg in stop and go traffic driven in a normal fashion, granted it's 100+ degrees here everyday and the ac is on all the time but I don't think that it accounts for that big of a difference, on a side note the best I ever averaged on the freeway at 65 mph was just a tick over 20 mpg...how are you guys pulling off these big mpg numbers...for the record all my mileage is calculated by gallons verses miles driven, not the computer, which is always high.
Rich L has a point if you are doing city driving, that 25.1 mpg is AWESOME! Most folks in city will average 15-17 MAYBE 18 (depending on driving habits and what they have on their tracs.) I average with a stock Gen 1 over the road 25 mpg.

Fitch system takes time and from what I understand, the longer you have it/use it the more efficient it gets? So to be getting 25.1 in city is pretty dang GREAT! :)

If you are geting .75 mpg more than you were before. Isn't that like 16.5 more gals than you were getting before??? (assuming you have a 22 gal tank.) Did I figure that right?

math ugh!

in TSSS 1st comment he states 25.1 miles per HOUR, his average driving speed, not 25.1 miles per GALLON, TSSS states he does alot of stop/go driving for work. He does state that he saw a 4.5 % increase in his miles per GALLON, or .75 miles per GALLON. Don't crucify the guy because you misread his statement
Miles Travled divided by gallons used = Miles per gallon...

To my knowledge this is the only way to measure gas milage. The only time MPH comes into play is when you are comparing MPG obtained at a particular MPH. If his original statement is true, it means nothing. I, like others, presumed it was a typo and that he meant MPG.
I get great MPG in my book...

I also have witnesses to back it up...

IT can be done.... I never figured the cost to get it But I dont care....

Performance and MPG I am happy...

Todd Z
Richard L said:

Frankly, 25.1 MPG on the highway, going down hill with a tailwind would be very unlikely

Even though Richard L mis-read the 25.1 MPH as mpg. I have to say that, regarding the above quote, I get more that 25 mpg on the hwy when I set the cruise control to 60 mph. I can take a pic of my scangauge to prove it if anyone has any doubts. If anyone wants to fly out here and drive our ST to see for themselves they are more than welcome to do so.

I too would like to know what exactly the avg. mpg TSSS is getting, not the avg. mph. And, if TSSS made a typo by typing MPH rather than MPG, then I too find it rather astonishing to get 25.1 mpg while doing mostly stop & go driving.

Folks, this is not complicated. He stated he got a 4.5% increase in MPG, which equated to .75 MPG, and that he averaged 25.1 MPH. If his math is consistent, he is getting between 16 and 17 MPG (.75 is 4.5% of 16.6). The whole MPH mention is an unnecessary curve ball, but it basically means that is a City MPG.
so that is not bad if he get the 16 to 17 mpg in stop and go city. the 16 is average per specs on a 2004 2wd stock. Tsss 17 is still pretty good, and I realize you have the Gen 2 version. Any increase is better than none at all. I can't remember what the stock Gen 2 city average is. But if you are getting average or better THAT IS still good.

I'd rather go the performance changes myself as Todd Z pointed out with his. and Rodger I don't doubt ya, since I do get the 25 mpg over the road.

4.5 increase is good because it is more than ya had before.


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