2nd Fitch Report

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I will leave out any reference to MPH. I was averaging 16.5 MPG (using AC) before the Fitch and so far I am averaging 17.2 mpg. Thus the ~4.5% increase.

I hope this clears up any confusion. I am sorry.

Sorry if I misread the 25.1 MPH as MPG, but I am not sure what his average MPG is with and without the Fitch device?? other than he claims a .75 MPG improvement?

I also question Fitch's claim that the longer you drive with the Fitch, the better the MPG gets??? Why is that, since the Fitch claims to beter refine the gas as it passes through the device, what makes it refine better later? If te Fitch device does what they claim, it should show maximum improvement as soon as the device is installed. And any improvement would assume that you are buying old stale gas now. Considering the demand for gas, only the smallest Mom & Pop gas stations way out in the country or desert would be selling old stale gasoline. I always buy gas at the busiest stations who fill up serveral times a week so I doubt that there gas is more than a week or two old.

Why is it that all these gas saving devices rquire you to drive several months or more before you will notice the gas mileage improvement they claim. I can get a very accurate mileage test in just about 50 miles and I can tell you if I am getting any better mileage or not. I'm thinking that they assume you will change your driving habits to improve your mileage and that's what they claim is as a mileage improvement for their device. It's only human nature to want something you spent $150-$200 for to work and you will subconsciencely drive with a lighter foot to save gas.

The only true scientific test would be where the driver has no money invested and goes through a series of gas mileage test where the device is connected or not connected and he has no idea when it's connected or when it's not conencted. The driver never knows how much gas he has used and the results of those test until they are completed.

Consumer Reports in a recent magazine article stated that there is no device or additive that has been proven to improve MPG sufficiently to be worth spending the money on buying. People want to believe that there is a technological break through and so they become prey to the hype these inventions offer. Most only have the slightest spark of truth and the rest is all hype and the sales pitch.

I got over 25 MPG on the highway before by keeping the cruise at 60 that was a trip. If the weather clears up I'll be making another trip to Maine and measure it again. Last time I made a trip I did 150 miles at 60 mph on the highway and 100 city and got 23.5. Keep your foot out of it and you'll get better mileage.
Rich L, I wonder if it has something to do with computers in vehicles having to relearn how to read the fuel ingrediant levels and adjust? I mean like with Fitch their claim that it creates an filter cleaner fuel. Wouldn't the computers relearn to adjust to that change? I'm not saavy about the techy stuf but I would think some how that would matter? :unsure:
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Rich, possible break-in period ? Everyone swears they got better milage after the first 10,000 from the ST, but I never saw it. Stayed low regardless of milage and never improved.
The avg MPH does make a difference in your mileage. Just as when you are driving "too fast" you will get a lower MPG when you are driving "too slow". I'd love to see what the MPG is when he can avg 50 or 60 MPH, but he has to compare apples to apples.
The problem with the average MPH is that it does not define the actual driving conditions. If you started, accelerated to 60 and then came to a stop, and repeated many times you might average somewhere near 25 MPH. Or, you could simply drive from point A to point B at 25 MPH. Very different situations. Not sure how you could ever get it to an apples to apples.
The big 3 are getting killed in the marketplace because of gas prices.

If the Fitch system actually worked, would they not be using it?

Simple question.

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