30,000K checkup-does this price sound too high at the dealer?

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Did my own for about $35. Oil & filter, air filter, fuel filter, rotate tires and inspect everything that needs inspection. Didn't flush tranny because it's not called for with the Trac in the Ford maintenance schedule. I know many here recommend that but I'll take my chances and do it at 50K. Fluid still looked new and had no odor. Didn't check dif fluid level since it doesn't leak.
FWIW, I took the wife's car to my friend's tire shop at lunch today to get the tires rotated. Cost $3.00, took 5 minutes if that. :D The beauty of living in a small town, also I send him a lot of people. Support your local small businesses!
Hey Lauren, drive on over to Illinois and this FEmale friend will check it over for yah. (And I'll even make yah one of my fancy iced coffee drinks to sip on while I wrench on your ST - what MALE would do that for yah? snicker...)

OK, so now we are saying that it takes a woman to know how to take care of a woman's needs (for her sportrac)?