31 Things You Won't Hear A Southener Say

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It is good to know there are still free thinking free countrymen and he did have 1 thing correct- in saying we need to unite (maybe another thread/post), even if he didn't mean it how I see it?unite to stand up for our freedom and take it and our country back.

To be fair, I didn't wake up till recently- 5yrs ago (although I wasn't in that same mind frame) I was just going about my life not caring about politics and how it truly effects me and our future. I didn't truly understand until I had my girls and that's when it hit me- how is their future going to be. It's a scary thought!

And for anyone that is offended (be it a flag, what someone says or for not being politically correct?) :cheeky: :kiss_it: you don't have to like it or agree w/ it. that's what's great about a free country- freedom to think/say or do as you like (or the choice to not be forced to buy something- health care, for example)