3rd Time Charm?

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Nov 2, 2006
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Louisville, KY
Just put my 07 V8 back in the shop for 3rd time. Same old story. Kicks when you stop. Feels like your rear end is catching up with the rest of your truck!!! They are supposed to put a mechatronic on it this time.

Hey Gator Girl, is yours working right now? I was keeping up with your progress there for awhile. But haven't had a chance to get on the site lately.

And how about the UPS guy? Did you get your transmission straightened out?:huh:
Really sux that those who paid so much for the next generation ST are having so many problems. My 05 is humming along just fine (knock on wood). The 07's sure are sweet but, I can't bring myself to fork over another ~$30K or there abouts for the upgrade.

Yeah, I know, this is an ST board and we hear more problems than good. Wish it were the other way around but I haven't trusted MulAlley since I worked for him in BA. And yes, I know his clumbsy hands were not in this years ST launch but hey, I gotta blame it on someone. Time will tell...

Good luck with your 07's everyone...
how many miles??????????? mine was in the shop (Dealer) twice and they had no idea what to do about it. At 1100 miles the problem went away. Only happens now ocassionally when the vehicle is cold. /Brad
Really sux that those who paid so much for the next generation ST are having so many problems.

people usually only come here with their problems, they need that info, they may not feel like its worth their time to say the new trac is running great. if they did the board would certainly be the most boring site on the net. If your gonna blame Alan for fords problems, who are you gonna blame at toyota for the new cam breaking tundras that toyota has refused to recall?
This is fixed with a transmission valve body replacement, 2 members just had it done and the problem went away....

Todd Z
Mimi, if it isn't fixed this third time you probably qualify as a lemon in your state and should be able to get compensated for your troubles (paid diminished value) or possibly even get a new ST.

Mimi - I'm sure once the "mechatronic assembly" is replaced, your Trac will run fine. I got mine replaced around 6 weeks ago, and still have not had one problem.
Will every 'pleased' new ST owner chime in here??? I love this truck,,,,,,,,and it is my first, after 2 Rangers that were problem-free. There are a few bad apples in every bushel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,just a few.
15,000 on an 07 V6 XLT and I am loving every minute of it. I found two blemishes on the paint 1) dust between the paint and clear coat 2) a black oval with a halo around it under the clear coat. Contacted Service Department already but have not had it fixed yet. Other than those very minor issues, no real problems and I have drove the heck out of it and towed a boat and hauled loads to the dump several times.
Will every 'pleased' new ST owner chime in here???

I got soo caught up in yesterday's post that I hadn't read this one. I have a Red Fire 07 V8 Limited w/Chrome and i'm very pleased with mine. I never experienced the kicking issue, but did notice the high cold idle and a few other small imperfections, but nothing that makes me regret my purchase. As some people know from yesterday's post, I took my truck in this past Saturday to get the latest PCM revision loaded and now i'm loving it even more. The delay that most were blaming on TBW is gone and the transmission shifts nice and crisp as it should. The additon of Todd Z modded TB has me even more pleased.

As Chase stated, most of us only post our problems unless someone asks if we are pleased with a particular feature or what not so it's really not nearly as bad as it seems. While I think the price tag is a bit much for the new Trac, I can't say that I regret my purchase. The ST was the perfect vehicle for what I needed for myself and my family. I've been waiting on Ford to offer a V8 for 2 years and they finaly did.:)

Edit: Mimi, I wish you the best of luck with yours and i'm sure it will be good to go once they replace the mechatronic.
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Hi Mimi98,

Mine ran good for a couple of months, it has times it does not want to come out of park.

And Friday morning on my way to work, I pulled out from a complete stop and it would not

come out of first gear, and my service light ( or more like a picture of a wrench) came on.

Needless to say, I called the dealer and he told me to keep driving it ( not to go over 30mph)and bring it on in. I did, and when I got there I left the truck running, so he could see the service light, and I told him to get in and drive it he did not, he shut it off and said they would give me a call. Well to make a long story short, when they went to go put it on the

machine to get the service light code, it wasn't there, and then he drove the truck and it shifted fine..GRRRRRRR!! They said they could not find anything wrong...and acted like they

didn't care, I am having to go out of town next week, I told them they better pray it doesn't

leave me stranded..and I am also look into pursuing the lemon law... I went to go leave this morning and it took me 5 minutes to get it to go into reverse...It sounds me and you both have bought lemons...I love the truck...but having tranny problems is getting old. Let me know if you got yours fixed...
