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Sep 3, 2024
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V6 engine
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1st Gen Owner
2005 Ford Sport Trac 4.0L V6. The Truck started stalling after a few blocks of driving. Read codes got P1237 so I replaced the Fuel Pump Driver Module and Fuel Pump Inertia Switch . Stalling went away and code reset it self after a few cycles. Code came back so I changed the Fuel Pump with a new Delphi pump. Reset the Codes with ODB2 scanner. After driving it for a few times Code came back. Still showing P1237 and all three main components are New... Checks connections at FPDM no corrosion, Pins look fine and no frays anywhere. Checked grounding wires , they seem to be tight and secure.
Check the relay under the hood, swap it with another, it can cause that code too.
Check the relay under the hood, swap it with another, it can cause that code too.
Went to the Autostore and grabbed a new Fuel Pump Relay and installed still same issue. I tried Resetting the code with my ODB2 scanner but code just pops right back up. All parts are brand new now.