4wd problem--need advice

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Andy Szkutak

Active Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Eden, NY
Well, tomororw am the trac goes in for the 4wd problem...The service manager said they will keep it most of the day and give it a good check over the 4wd system...What i need to know is if its not the module, and it is indeed the motor, how should i expect to pay for parts and labor? i hope theyre not gonna charge me a days labor...for diagnosing...the labor for instlling it cant be too long...Its very weird now...if i keep flipping the switch back from 4wd high to 2wd, it will eventually engage? WHen it wont engage, i sometime wont hear the click of the module, other times i will? Does this seem likea module problem, or a motor problem, or something...all i know is that i tried to engage it at about 10mph today and i thought the drivetrain fell apart under me...very loud thud, and no engagement-didnt feel good...This makes me think its more of a shift motor problem than a module...

What do you think it is?

What would u do if you were in this position?

i dont wanna get bsed by my dealer tomorrow morning


Recently replaced my module.....no clicky....no 4WD light on dash...no 4wd. New module .... clicky....lights on dash light up and it works like a champ. The 4WD lights on the dash that I'm referring to should go on for a second or two immediately after starting the motor (at least on an 01). Other than that I don't know squat, wish I could help more.

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Tim, i appreciate your help... i had my module replaced back in october so i doubt thats bad already, and plus, i have both 4wd high and low lights illuminate at startup...it just wont engage itself when switched to 4wd..

That's odd, you mentioned that you don't always hear the click, that would make you think of a bad module or other electrical problem but the load thud would certainly make you suspect the motor. There is a motor rebuild project on another forum, I could look it up and post the link if your interested.

Tim, thatd be interesting and informative to read, but im not going to fix it myself, but just so i know what the dealer is probably going to do. lol if its not too much trouble. I was just worroied that i blew my transfer case out or something very bad like that...


Andy- i am pretty sure the S/T should be stopped and in neutral when you shift into 4wd!!! but check it out its in the manual
Seems like the motor. Sometimes when I engage the 4WD, I hear several pair of clicks from the module. I think the motor is a bit stick and there is a current sensor that stops and reverses the motor. It tries a few times and eventually makes the shift.

This happens if I don't engage it periodically, like I should.