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Mar 7, 2021
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Hello everyone. New here.
My wife's got a 2004 Explorer Sport Trac and a few weeks ago her 4x4 stopped working. It's currently in 2H and will not shift into 4H or 4L. Turning the switch and you can hear the 2 clicks from the control module, but still doesn't shift.

We have changed these parts in this order after checking all fuses.
Shift control module
Transfer case motor
All to no avail. Anyone have any suggestions? No fuses blown. All new parts. Starting to wonder if it's mechanical? Siezed maybe?

Thanks guys
Over the years when my 4WD stopped working, first it was the shift control module, then, many years later it was the transfer case motor. I never had a problem with the switch and you have already replaced yours and you have no blown fuses. So the only things I can think of is perhaps a damaged wire interrupting the 4WD circuit or maybe the rod that the electric motor in the transfer case turns is stuck.
Make sure you've got the correct parts;
4x4 ConMods for before 2001 & after 2005 are not compatible.
You could unbolt the ShiftMotor from the TransCase (3+1 bolts),
with ParkingBrake engaged & Transmission in Neutral & wifes foot on brake pedal,
have wife switch from 2WHi~4WHi~4WLo & back again
while you watch the ShiftMotor below, see if it rotates like it should.
If ShiftMotor rotates correctly, try manually rotating 1354 TransCase stem with ViseGrips.;
it could be having an internal mechanical issue.
Nows a good time to Drain+Refill MerconLV in the TransCase; make sure its MerconLV not MerconV.
Did you buy new parts or JY parts,; either way could be a bad part, or a wiring harness issue.
Once you do get it back working, best to engage & short drive the 4x4 system once a month;
to confirm that it works, before you really need it & it don't.

Part numbers & more details on the 2001~2005 ExST 4x4 system at
Hope this helps.
Thanks guys, will give it a shot tomorrow and post an update.
Did this work for you? I have a similar situation, replaced the control module without result, then pulled the old motor but the new motor spline won't align because of position. I was thinking the motor ground would be through the bolt-on connection and may not work for that reason. I tested the old motor first, which did not work, then installed the new one. I tested the old control module as well and it worked with one shortfall. Even though I was engaging 4X4 Low, it would not display, so now the repair is complete.
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Make sure you've got the correct parts;
4x4 ConMods for before 2001 & after 2005 are not compatible.
You could unbolt the ShiftMotor from the TransCase (3+1 bolts),
with ParkingBrake engaged & Transmission in Neutral & wifes foot on brake pedal,
have wife switch from 2WHi~4WHi~4WLo & back again
while you watch the ShiftMotor below, see if it rotates like it should.
If ShiftMotor rotates correctly, try manually rotating 1354 TransCase stem with ViseGrips.;
it could be having an internal mechanical issue.
Nows a good time to Drain+Refill MerconLV in the TransCase; make sure its MerconLV not MerconV.
Did you buy new parts or JY parts,; either way could be a bad part, or a wiring harness issue.
Once you do get it back working, best to engage & short drive the 4x4 system once a month;
to confirm that it works, before you really need it & it don't.

Part numbers & more details on the 2001~2005 ExST 4x4 system at
Hope this helps.
I was thinking the motor ground would be through the bolt-on connection and may not work for that reason. It does work and I was able to align the new motor keyway with the transfer case spline to complete the install.
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...similar situation...replaced the control module without result...pulled the old motor but the new motor spline won't align...thinking the motor ground would be through the bolt-on connection.
You have 2 options.
Simplest is to use ViseGrips to rotate the TransferCase stem to match the ShiftMotor position.
Or with ParkingBrakeON + Buddy\GrilFriend\Wife's foot on BrakePedal + ShiftInNeutral,
plug new ShiftMotor into Harness & have them rotate the Switch to match the TransferCase Position.
then bolt (3+1) new ShiftMotor onto TransferCase stem.
TransferCase frame is not the ground side of the ShiftMotor circuit; notice there are 2 ungrounded wires going into end of motor case to the motor brushes, required for foreward+backward control by the ConModule.
Hope this helps.
Hey guys, haven't had the chance to get out there and try it yet. No shop and it's been incredibly cold the last while. As soon as I give it a shot I'll give you all an update
Sounds like the t case could be bad. But hand test it and see.
I know this is an old thread. Just thought I’d let someone know that if they are looking through this thread and have similar issues what I did to fix mine.
If you click the knob in 4x4 high and hearing clicking under the dash, then great! (It’s not your switch or electrical problems) Your best bet is to go to the transfer case, remove the transfer motor (3+1 10mm bolts to remove it) and then hit the switch again, if your motor rotates, then also great. My issue however; I had a leak that I had not noticed in my transfer case and I was completely out of fluid. I added Mercon LV transmission fluid and also a bottle of blue devil transmission sealant (may or may not actually work) and this solved all of my 4x4 issues.
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Tanks for sharing !
Over the years when my 4WD stopped working, first it was the shift control module, then, many years later it was the transfer case motor. I never had a problem with the switch and you have already replaced yours and you have no blown fuses. So the only things I can think of is perhaps a damaged wire interrupting the 4WD circuit or maybe the rod that the electric motor in the transfer case turns is stuck.
Or you have no power to fuse 2 i believe my 2002 sport couldn't shift out of 4 lo once i had to manually power the fuse and it shifted back to 2 hi if i remember its fuse 2 in the ipc fuse box

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