A friends website. BACK again,, newer pic

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LaRue Medlin

In Memoriam 1955-2017
Sep 28, 2000
Reaction score
Sumter, SC
Sorry to be a pain! but my best friend dumped AT&T webhosting and I had to rebuild him a site. I have unlimited bandwidth and space, and am allowed 100 websites/domains. So I'm making a little money by hosting and building his site. He doesn't want anything fancy, no scripts and stuff, just a good looking page. How does this look?

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Eddie, this guys lives about 60 miles away,,, not a competitor per se.... He is actually my mentor... He has assisted in my training and helps me when I need it. I even drive over to see him occasionally, just to visit. He is one of the best people you will ever meet. But you diodn't answer the question......:bwahaha:
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I was just picking on ya'...:bwahaha:

The web site looks good. Good layout with the needed info.......:supercool:
Everything you need is right there, easy to read. I like it.:supercool:
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STanner: no facebook or mobile app... He's not on Facebook, and mobile app, I can't even figure out for my stuff... I do have http://www.mo.carolinalockandkey.com/ but still confused on how to get people there if needed. Besides, Alonzo can barely navigate the net as it is....:driving:
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The website looks good, but I don't understand why the it's floating in the sky?

I would just eliminate the blue/cloud sky background and enlarge the green panel to fill the screen.

Rich, I tried that and with all the different screen resolutions it didn't look right. Just imagine it's hanging on an over the street pole....:driving:
I don't really like this one, but I gave it a shot... I think I'll stick with the other one.... I will admit, the new one looks good on my old laptop at 1024X78

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Oh, I see now that the page is supposed to look like an overhead Interstate highway sign, but I don't think the poles do much to help it. I think the original, floating in the sky looked better :grin: But, I think that webpages look better when they fill the screen and not waste space along the margins with little or no information...Perhaps reducing the sky and just putting in a little of the ladder support structure (No poles) behind the sign just to maximize the size and readability of the sign?

I like your suggestion Rich... How's this? ME LIKEY!

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Yep, that works for me. Now it looks more like a sign on the Interstate and does not have the distracting poles and the wasted space at the bottom.

I agree, that last image looks really good, and makes it easy to see that it's meant to be an Interstate sign and not just floating in the clouds..:grin:


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