This just started, the brake pedal depresses at about 2 mph before stopping. Feels like when your bleeding the air from the line. Also makes a growling type noise. Has anyone had this experience.
If you let go of the steering wheel when this happens what direction does it pull to? More than likely you have either a dirty or faulty abs senosr or tone ring. By seeing which way the vehicle pulls to when it happens will help narrow down which side is the problem....unless it's the rear but that usually doesn't cause this issue.
You have a wheel hub going bad. Jack up the front end and spin and rock each tire to find out which one it is. There's a replacement tutorial in the projects section.
I had an ABS sensor going bad. At 2mph the pedal would go down and you would keep going for a couple of feet.Tried to get the old one out and it broke. I had to replace the wheel bearing with the sensor.