ivan spielfogel
I am think about adding the factory amp and sub. I have the pioneer 6 disk player installed. The 16 pin connector is currently plugged in to the radio. There is a port for the 8 pin connector that would go back to the amp and sub. This connector which is called c2188b in the ford electrical wiring book. The other end terminates at passanger right side kick panel. The connector on the kick panel side is a C210 14 pin connector. This cable and or connectosr are not present in my XLT. I have tried contacting Cruthfields for the connectors, but no luck. Does anyone have a source for these connectors. the C210 male connector is part of 1L5T18B86414CP0 cable that plugs to the Amp. This cable is available from Ford, but at a high price. I believe the connector to the radio is made by Amp.