Administration Outsources Operations Of Six U.S. Ports To The United Arab Emirates

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Fer Echegaray

Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2002
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
This does not make me feel safer, What's next? Pakistan running the Dept. of Homeland Security?

The Administration has outsourced the operation of six of the nation’s largest ports to a company owned by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a country with troubling ties to international terrorism. The $6.8 billion sale would mean that the state-controlled Dubai Ports World would control “the ports of New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia.”

Some facts about the UAE:

– The UAE was one of three countries in the world to recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan.

– The UAE has been a key transfer point for illegal shipments of nuclear components to Iran, North Korea and Lybia.

– According to the FBI, money was transferred to the 9/11 hijackers through the UAE banking system.

– After 9/11, the Treasury Department reported that the UAE was not cooperating in efforts to track down Osama Bin Laden’s bank accounts.

A bipartisan group of seven members of Congress is calling on the Treasury Department to suspend their approval until they investigate the national security implications of the sale. Such an investigation is required by federal law but hasn’t yet been conducted.
As a Canadian with an open border into the USA, I will say forget about us letting in the terrorists in, now they control the ports to let ANYTHING in.

Note to the US Government, your front door is wide open.

Side note, now how many of the 9/11 terrorist on the planes were Saudi's?

Don Monkeyboy
Gee, something like this happened in Yemen. We, (the USA), checked the back ground (security) of the harbor master. He was cleared, so he got to hire the workers for the harbor.

Shortly after that 17 sailors died when a small boat loaded with explosives came along side.

If this happens again, I can not even imagine the out cry and ramifications that will come of it...
Makes you kinda wonder about thise conspiracy theory guys...doesn't it?

Seems like either the government doesn't learn from their mistakes or they allow mistakes to happen to further "the cause".

Great. Next thing our government will probably do is outsource our air traffic controllers to some Arab country.
As Krash pointed out, the news reports so far say that we will inherit these UAE guys when they purchased a British firm. I agree that we don't need an Arab firm running our ports. Can we at least give them a chance to sort it out?
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Can anyone explain how a British company can be sold to the UAE and it is the fault of resident Bush or Homeland Security?

Read the headlines about "Bush outsources ports to Arab company". Bush did no such thing and he is powerless to prevent the sale. He can insist that the new owner, who BTW hasn't taken control yet, NOT operate our ports, but he can't prevent the sale.

Typical media bias and the sheeple lap it up without so much as a simple Google search to educate themselves.
I think the problem is that the administration seems to be defending the continued use of this firm to provide protection. They don't want to upset the UAE goivernment, because they have been helpful to us.

I agree however, that the government has made mistakes, but not any that previous administrations haven't made. The Saudi Government used Osama bin Laden's family construction firm to build a dormitory complex at Prince Sultan Air Base. Our airmen lived in those quarters and this arrangement was accepted by the Clinton administration, even though they already knew his connection to the USS Cole incident.

I don't recall the press ever making a big deal about this. Perhaps they were too busy with the Monica Lewinski story.
Dale, in fairness, the President can sign an executive order claiming a national security threat, directing that the transfer of assets be delayed until further investigated. It may or may not be legal to do so, but the acquiring company would be forced to sue the United States in federal court, which would give Congress time to decide if they want to pass legislation preventing the foreign ownership of the assets in question.

And, if I'm not mistaken, legislators within individual states could pursue passing their own laws for facilities within their respective borders. It's not a business friendly practice, but if they are truly nervous about this, they should take the political heat and act.
Oh BTW, The man charged with the bombing of the USS Cole has escaped from jail, he was in a prison in the country of Yemen. He escaped along with 12 other terrorist.

Why was he in Yemen and not in an American Prison?

Don Monkeyboy
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How would our Congress block the sale of a British company to a UAE company? We have no say in it. We can choose to terminate our contract, but that is the extent of our influence in this.
From what I have been able to find, the deal hasn't happened yet.

Rich - The Presdient and the individual states can prevent the UAE company from operating the ports, but they cannot prevent the deal. The companies don't own the ports, they have a contract to operate them, there is no transfer of assets to prevent.

Nelson - Exactly.
Oh BTW, The man charged with the bombing of the USS Cole has escaped from jail, he was in a prison in the country of Yemen. He escaped along with 12 other terrorist.

Why was he in Yemen and not in an American Prison?

The question is: Why is he still alive? Don't we have special undercover people that take care of "problems" like that? Or is that just in the movies?
Dale, even the ability to operate the port is an asset. It's a contract asset. If they can't operate by executive order or law, the asset is worthless.

There are dozens of ways to monkey wrench this deal. Don't know that it's the right thing to do, just saying it's possible to do it.
I have made up my mind on this issue becasue Jimmy Carter says everything is A-OK.

Allow me to state publicly to the Bush Administration.... PLEASE DON'T DO IT!!!

An excellent article from good sources on both sides of the answer

One of the good things about business: You can almost always count on a business to worry about profits first. If Dubai Ports World is a legitimate for-profit company, they will protect the ports effectively. A major incident at a U.S. port would be a business disaster for the company.

That doesn't mean there aren't other scenarios. For example, the CIA bought titanium for the SR-71 Blackbird project, from the Soviets, via a puppet company set up expressly for the purpose. That's a covert agency, not a company.

The CIA should be paying careful attention to Dubai Ports World.

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