Aero Exhaust (sigh) update.....

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Gypsy me

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Imhere, PA
from a previous post:

OH just so you all know, I did check on that Areo Exhaust system and was ready to have it installed this past weekend.

In 100 miles of my zip On their website Aero claimed--- Vegas allegedly had 3 places that do this exhaust.

Midas said they did not install them

Smith & Sons Automotives said they had mostly done diesel trucks and only one gas vehicle (why that would matter is beyond me) But they said, they were just not sure....

Dark Horse Racing--- never called back grrrrr!

So I am on my way to the Aero Exhaust site (home of the most sought after exhaust system) and giving them a piece of my mind. in words!

I sent Aero Exhaust an email, explaining to them my dissappointment. Also told them I was a member of this site. I'll give them 2 days to respond to me. Then I guess I will go with Flo Master.

I really dislike when I want something really bad...and can't get it! :lol:
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Give them hell GM !!!!!

Todd Z
Many times the issues from diesels vs gas engines has to do with passing emissions tests.

Many vehicles will not pass the emission test once you change the exhaust. With diesels, many areas can not test them so they simply get passed by default.
Thanks guys, oh Todd I did! ha ha

Kp, thing is....where I live there is no emission. I'm more frustrated that their site is not more updated. The info they provided me-- wasted my time and ticked me off. :)

edit: It just occured to me their words "most sought after exhaust" means um...yeah because you can't find anyone that carries or installs them! :lol::p:D
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where I live there isnt any emiisions laws either but becuase a place like midas is a chain they have to adhere to rules that go for every store they have, its dumb what what can you do. I have a favourite exhaust shop of my own in town and thats where Im going to be going ( as soon as I get the xcal2 so I can remove as many cats and o2 sensors as I can)

The There is no update!!!

not one response from these folks.... I strongly recommend DON'T BOTHER with them!

Go Flo Master or Magna Flo or any other exhaust system...

there. I feel better now! :D