Air condotioning/cooling/aftermarket grill issue

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Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
panama city, FL
I just purchased and installed a new street scene zip tie grill over my existing stock grill.

Before installation I could sit at an idle in our hot florida sun for 2 hours and the air conditioning would remain cool as can be. Now after a few minutes my temp gauge is a little higher and the AC just pumps out neutral or warm air.

The minute I pull off and drive 100 yards it begins cooling again.

Is there a sensor or something that kicks the AC out when the engine temp gets above a certain point?

COuld it just be coinsidence that I am low on AC gas?

Where is the view port on these things to see if I am low on gas? Or how do you check to see if you are low

HAs anyone experienced a problem with these grills over temping the engine?


po man
Step 1: remove grill and see if problem persists. If problem goes away, sell grill on ebay. Else, get more zip ties.

If the grill is making it hotter under the hood, then the AC will need to work harder to cool. When in motion, your RPM's are higher which make the compressor work better, and more air rushes through the engine compartment, cooling under hood temps by displacing heat (making AC work better).

I would suggest that you clean your IAC / throttle body, then make sure your Trac is idling in the proper RPM range. Dirty IAC / Throttle body can lead to poor idle RPM's. Remember, the more your AC compressor is cranking (higher RPM's) the colder it gets. An easy way to test this is when in park, step on the gas a little, bring it up to just under 1000RPM's and see if it gets cooler. If your belt is stretched / worn, it won't do the turn thing so good anymore. If your belt tensioner is weak... same. Make sure your cooling system is up to par, and your air filter is clean as well. All of these troubleshooting methods are on the concept of the engine spinning efficiently for the serpentine belt system which the compressor is on.

Get you an AC gauge to check fill level. If it's really hot out, then the AC fill pressures will be higher. Save yourself some time, hassle, and money, just buy the $20 bottle linked below with a built in reusable filler and gauge. They usually have it at wal-mart for like $20.

You can get the gauge by itself for like $5-10, but if you need a charge, then you need a can and a fill tee, which can cost you more now. So, I just get one of these all-in-one things, which you can check pressure, squeeze if necessary, and just put it away on a shelf if you need to top off again.
Oh, and don't overfill, and remember that the hotter and more humid it is outside (ambient temp) the higher the fill pressures will be when you check them.

In other words, you may top it off when it's cool out, and be fine, then the next day it's 110 degrees and 100% humidity, and you're over filled.
You have reduced the airflow across the A/C condenser and the radiator with the Street Scene grill.

There is no device to stop the A/C, other than you turning it off.

Yes, it could be a coincidence.

There is no view port on this system. A pressure gauge is needed.

You could try removing the plastic box below the radiator, which might allow more airflow.

Remove the rubber skirts in the fender well just above the control arms. These were not installed from '03 & up. If can not see the engine when you look in from the wheel well, you have them.

You could replace the factory clutched fan with an electric fan. It will maintain adequate airflow at idle and low speeds.
My Street Scene Speed grill didn't change anything. I have both the upper and the lower inserts, and it gets pretty toasty here in Tucson.
I put on a zip-tie grill over my stock grill and it bothered me to see the temperature higher on the gauge. So I put a piece of tape over the gauge. Now I'm not bothered by it!:lol:

Just kidding!

Seriously, I haven't noticed any increase in temperature since the installation of my grill.