Alabama's New Governor - Another "Accepting Christian?"

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There are some on this board that hate religion so much, especialy Christianity. You will never be able to get thru to them. Of course the bible has told us this will happen. So that is one truth that was written long ago.

I think the shame of it is. I have found that those that hate it so much. Got a bad taste of it from zealots. Saying and doing things, that are not scripture and that chased them off. It did me for 20yrs. Or they were around extreme hipocrites. Or they were raised by those that hated. Learned trait. None of us are perfect including Christians. There is more freedom in Christianity than some Christians have ever discovered. You have to read the word. Have a pastor and ministers that are not self rightous, to help you study it.

One thing in my own Christian walk is. I try not to be legalistic. I dont like a church that pushes their traditions on me, when there is nonthing in the Bible about it (man made rules). One example is, some think a Christian should not drink. Not so, it just says dont be a drunkerd. I dont like a church that gets all mystical, either.

The truth is there are people in society that act out dumb rules and are mystical. They dont follow any religion. So I have a hard time understanding why, some hate religion so much. Wrong focus, I suppose.
By now the word "christian" means a right-wing politician who panders to a base that takes comfort in religion and guns. Note that faith and religion are not the same thing.

Ask me on the street about my faith and you'll get the Apostles' Creed, my personal story...anything but the word "christian".

I have the same views of my faith and the role of the Christian church as you Eddie. Refreshing for sure. I see the Bible as an opportunity to discover God, not a list of "thou shalt not's". There are things listed that will aid/hinder a person's discovery of God's heart and mind. Until a person comes to the realization that it is a relationship, not a legalistic code or a mystical experience, they will only follow an example set by men or hate the example set by men. The latter are certainly the more aggressive and noisy.

UHH Hugh,

I never stated that the governor of Ala bammie MADE policy based on religion. I DO think he WOULD, and Will though. I think you are jumping to conclusions here. Church has no place in politics. PERIOD. I am a Catholic. I dont think there should be a reading of the Patron Saints before meetings in the governors mansion here in Illinois. There are a lot of political figures today who are illegally pushing the envelope regarding church and state seperation. ESPECIALLY in the southern states. The evangelical Christians are very very active in politics, and thier number ONE agenda is to blur and change the first ammendment. They think somehow that America is a Christian nation. Well baby... it aint. Alabammees Governor is such a man. Trust me Hugh.. there are places in America..(Chicago for ex) where EVERY religion and ethnicity are present. How are these folks supposed to take that ******* statement from Alabamees Governor? Do they feel compelled to bring thier money on vacation to the gulf coast?? Hell no. I am 100 percent right Hugh, my boy. I state again that there IS freedom FROM religion here in America. Ive never had goons knock on my door, making me go to church. The bible thumpin' mega-church, evangelical crackers would love it that way... but it aint gonna happen. This is America!! FREEDOM BAABY.

I will also state that the southern bible-belt has been crying like spoiled children, ever since Barack Obama got in office. There hasnt been a Presdent from the North in a long time, and it shows that them good ole boys down yonder arent used to governance coming from up here in civilization. Well---tough s*it! Deal with it. Ive heard nothing but hate coming from the media. I sometimes wish that Obama WAS a Muslim... It would show all the religious freaks that (after he gets out of office) that religious affiliation doesnt mean squat. BECAUSE CHURCH AND STATE ARE SEPERATE!!! Just think how violent a reaction would take place if the Prez mandated that everyone face Mecca 3x a day to pray??? That is NO different than the Governor of ALABAMMIE saying that you arent his brother because you arent a born again Christian.

Hugh.. its your turn. Go ahead and twist away.
Ask me on the street about my faith and you'll get the Apostles' Creed, my personal story...anything but the word "christian".

UH,,nice to know but that creed is rooted in true Christianity. Of course you know that. I see nonthing wrong with the word Christian. If you are coming from true belief that Jesus came to set you free. Not from your man made doctrines from your denomenation.

Here is a little something for laugh or reflection. Notice the one in bold.

If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.

If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.

If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for


If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.

If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his


A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.

Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.

A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

(Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for

it, or may choose a job that provides it.

A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

frank, you cant help yourself. Are you drunk again? I said laugh or reflection.

My answer to you is who is Pat Robertson, I dont follow him.
I DO think he WOULD, and Will though. I think you are jumping to conclusions here.

The irony is almost too much.:bwahaha:

There are just so many "if's" in your statement and no concrete facts or events that I'm not sure what you want me to "twist." I'm done responding to you. This is going nowhere. I look forward to the name calling and cries of coward. You win, congratulations.
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politically incorrect... Like you!

AWW, frank I didnt know you cared.

Never intended to be PC or care to be. PC nowdays is the oposite of what is true.

frank, "Jesus loves you"

Hugh, true..

well this one has wore me out..LOL This will be my last, for this thread.
There are just so many "if's" in your statement and no concrete facts or events that I'm not sure what you want me to "twist."

Hugh, you should know by now, Frank won't let facts cloud his opinions...