RichardL...I said a majority, and not an overwhelming one, and I stand by that guess-timate.
I think if polled, the average commute of all people in the US that commute would be significantly less than 100 miles RT, per day. And if significantly less, then my hypothesis stands.
Another way to look at it is 100 miles per charge, and assuming a charge per day for a commuter car means (5 days per week, 50 weeks a year) means 25K miles per year driven commuting.
A majority of the people in this country that commute don't commute that much...not even close.
Sure, there are exceptions and yes, mid-day trips can throw a kink into things, but I still think a majority (not most, but a majority...say more something over 50%) of the commuters out there could be well served by such a vehicle.