American Idol

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IMO AI lost it's appeal about 30 seasons ago even though it's still a number 1 show. I think the talent pool over the last few years has reduced dramitically. While I think Crystal should win this season, if she had been on a few seasons ago I think she wouldn't have made the top 5. This show is going up in flames in a hurry
I have like crystal all season long and still do, but after watching Lee tonight, I think he would be a better winner, as he has more "radio" and "concert" appeal than crystal.
She's good, but I think Lee is more marketable. The talent is not that great this year at all. The judges shouldn't have to be giving all that negative feedback this close to the end. The judges don't seam to be as excited about thier performances like they were in the past. Yet, I still watch it....
Crystal is MY choice but I think Lee will get it....... I can't believe I have watched every show,,, every year it's been on.... I think it should go away..... but it won't,,, toooo much money..
As much as most of us love to hate Simon, AI is history without him.

Paula wasn't a loss, except for her silly blunders and mistakes, IMO.

The writing's on the wall for AI. Season ten will be it's last. :boohoo:
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I like Crystal because she puts her heart and soul into her music. Not that the others don't, but maybe it's just she shows it more. I actually think she is the more marketable one. However, that said, the 2nd place winners all have seemed to do better after the show is over.

Go Crystal! :banana:
After seeing both of them last night....Lee being so emotional and Crystal too,wow,not sure which one will win,actually they both are winners at this point!!!!I wish we could have seen them drive a Sport Trac in the Ford commercials.

Sorry, but I really can't get hyped up by these reality TV competitions. None of them have caught my attention in the slightest since the first season of Survivor.

Good luck to whomever is competing. Break a leg. Hope the winner isn't the next Rubin Stutter (sp?).
