Animated reenactment of near collision at Chicago Airport.

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Kevin Palmer

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2001
Reaction score
Madison, OH
Not a great thing to be seeing on such a heavy travel day I guess, but it was interesting to see. Once it ends, it waits about ten seconds and then shows it from the side as well.

This animation is available in Flash format and was presented at the Board Meeting on 11/14/2006 in Washington, D.C.

This three dimensional animated reconstruction shows the runway incursion incident between an Atlas Air B747 and an United Airlines B737 at the Chicago O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois on July 23, 2006. The following incident reconstruction displays information from the flight data recorder, Air Traffic Communication, recorded radar data, and aircraft performance data. This reconstruction does not depict weather or visibility conditions at the time of the incident.

This animation contains audio.

You will need to click the play button as it is not an auto start video.

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If so, I would think it could have only been the one doing the taxiing. They were unfortunately the only passengers to be able to see the entire event unfold before their eyes...
That doesn't show how close the planes really were.....


Todd Z
Sometimes the sky is not big enough....

I was going from LAX to EWR 2 weeks ago when I saw a 757 come within 500 ish feet of us coming just left of head on. I asked the pilot about it when we landed and he said they never saw it until the were past it and then they were informed of it via the tower...


Oh, and you know how slow it looks when they are flying??? I am telling it is not slow when they are coming at you at 400mph and your going the other way at 400mph...

Nope, not slow at all. I was able to watch the plane for something like 6 seconds, after that, too far past us.
Saw this on a news report last week about the problems in our nations airports. Apparently there are numerous close calls and it's only going to be a while before we have a major air disaster. Doesn't that make you feel better about your holidays?
Wow- my diving buddy Rich is a captain for United- he tells me its a matter of time- crowded, old airports, relentless cost cutting and low pilot morale after seeing their $400k pensions wiped out with the stroke of a pen, while top management preserved theirs.:angry:
I fly 5 days a week, two to four flights a day. I have seen many many things.

And I agree, it is just a matter of time. I pray I am wrong, but reality tells me I am not...
Atlas Air is a cargo carrier so there would not have been any pax on that aircraft. However the other flight did have pax. If the two aircraft had hit it would have been a disaster.
It's fortunate that the UA flight didn't stall during that takeoff. You could actually see where it started to slow down a bit after being pulled up so hard to get over the cargo jet. Hopefully, I'll never have a ride like that. I don't fly often, but when I do they are extremely long flights (Intercontinental).
What I'd like to know is did both pilots on the Atlas Air B747 have their heads up their a$$ !

I fly every week. Things like this scare the crap out of me. As the slower moving plane, the

747 crew should have been watching better. What was the final outcome of this. Were the

747 crew grounded?
