Another console option - documented

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Steve McKellop

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
Denver, NC
I went salvage yard hunting yesterday looking for consoles. I'm very dissatisfied with this bag style console I have and have had the idea for a while to find another option, besides the high series model. I used to rebuild salvage Bronco II's and have done a couple 91-94 Gen 1 series Explorers. The components of this bag console just looked too similar for me not to try an older "real" console. I'm already using a 91-94 series arm rest on my bag console. The console I picked up was from a 95 or so model. I brought it home and cleaned it up a bit. I removed my bag console and this one just sat right down in it's place, mounting screws lining up and all. I took it back out and took a few photos for comparisons and put it right back in and sewed it up. This modification will take someone 30 minutes at the most. Now I have a REAL console with a REAL usable storage area. The older Explorer consoles have several cup holder options as they changed slightly over the years. I've shown two of them here. There are older Explorers by the dozens in most salvage yards and the consoles go for as little as $40-$50. Considering you can eBay your bag for $70 + this is a excellent swap.

The bag console with a Gen 1 Explorer arm rest


Same view with my "new" console, still using the Gen 1 Explorer arm rest. You can use your current bag console arm rest on the older consoles too but the older arm rests are MUCH stronger!


More assorted photos showing the two different cup holders that I picked up. I believe you could even use the bag console "flip-over" cup holder with a little trimming to the "new" console.




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Very nice work, Steve.

May have found a Spring project.

Gotta find the parts and components before I rip the "silly" bag out.

Unfortunately, salvage yards are not as abundant in Hawaii.

When you do find good usable parts, they tend to price gouge. LOL
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I think I'll be much happier with this one. I don't really want a high series console since I have plans for the space in front of these short consoles.

Steve, being your location is so isolated eBay may be your best bet. They're on there regularly.
Steve M- As always, thanks for your great help.

Forgot to say. Great workmanship, clean upholstery, etc.

Vacuum the floor, once in a while. LOL

Kidding, had to "fault" you in some way. :cheeky:
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I just knew someone was going to dog me over the leaves on the floor!!:fire::fire:

No cup holders on the rear of the console but if you reuse your original arm rest you can retain those, such as they are.
Thanks for the info. I have kids who use the cup holders. My original arm is broke. I put to much weight on it while leaning over to clean the passenger side windshield. Curious if the under side of the old style is interchangeable with the new style arm? If I can use the top part with cup holders with the bottom of old style it will save a couple of dollars to fix. Thanks.

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