Another Obama Energy company goes Bankrupt

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Richard L

Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2001
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Waco, TX
President Obama's green jobs effort has suffered two more black eyes, as one federally backed company filed for bankruptcy and another laid off two-thirds of its workforce.

Ener1, which got a $118 million federal matching grant to develop electric car batteries, filed for Chapter 11 on Thursday. The Indiana-based company has been in dire condition, having been delisted from Nasdaq last November.

Meanwhile, solar panel maker Amonix laid off 200 people on Wednesday. It had received a $6 million tax credit in 2009 to build its Las Vegas facility.

They are the latest embarrassments in the White House's efforts to boost the green technology industry. Loan recipients have gone bankrupt, green jobs numbers have stalled and sales of electric cars have been sluggish.

Much like defunct Solyndra, Ener1 was once a White House darling. Vice President Joe Biden toured Ener1's Indiana facility last year. The administration put it as No. 67 on its list of "100 Recovery Act projects that are changing America.

The Day Before Yesterday

Two days before in his State of the Union address, President Obama took credit for the electric battery industry's success.

"In three years, our partnership with the private sector has already positioned America to be the world's leading manufacturer of high-tech batteries," he said. "Because of federal investments, renewable energy use has nearly doubled, and thousands of Americans have jobs because of it.

Left unsaid was that the president had originally promised the green energy investments would create five million jobs, not thousands. The silver lining for the administration was that Ener1's filing hasn't led to any layoffs at its EnerDel unit. At least not yet.

"The restructuring is not expected to impact EnerDel's oper ations and the company has made clear that they do not expect to reduce employment at the site," said Jen Stutsman, spokesperson for the Energy Department.

Ener1 was less optimistic, saying in a statement that while it had no plans to cut jobs, it would "make adjustments to the workforce as appropriate.

The administration awarded a matching grant to the lithium-ion battery company in August 2009. This was under the Recovery Act, aka the stimulus bill. Ener1 has drawn on $55 million of the available $118 million to date, according to the DOE. Its most recent SEC filing put its workforce at 769 people.

Electric Car Sales Stalled

The electric car industry has not taken off despite generous administration incentives. GM's (NYSE:GM - News) Chevy Volt missed its 10,000 sales mark for 2011, selling 7,671. Nissan's (OTCPK:NSANY.PK - News) Leaf also fell just short in its goal of 10,000 in sales, with 9,674.

"Development of this market has been slower than the industry originally anticipated," said Ener1 spokesman Brian Sinderson in an email, citing intense global competition.

Sales have not been helped by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's investigation into the Volt after its batteries caught fire in government crash tests.

Mariana Gerzanych, CEO of 350Green, which installs public charging infrastructure for electric cars, says the industry needs federal investment to get off the ground, but says the administration's random approach is creating its own problems.

"Investors won't come on board because they don't know what the policies will be" from year to year, she said. She thinks the administration has played favorites too.

Not Backing Down

The administration stood by the investment Thursday.

"While it's unfortunate that Ener1, the parent company, has entered a restructuring process, the new infusion of $80 million in private capital demonstrates that the technology has merit," Stutsman said.

The administration has continued to fund green energy companies. It doled out more than $7.5 billion in loans last fall while conceding it expected them to create only about 338 permanent jobs. That's about $20.7 million per job.

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., said in a statement that the filing underscores the failure of the White House's green jobs push.

"Sadly, the Department of Energy's jobs record seems to grow worse by the day ... and it is American taxpayers who are paying the price," he said.

Stearns has also questioned the timing of the announcement, noting it came just after the State of the Union address. Emails publicly released in the Solyndra bankruptcy indicate that DOE officials pressured the company to delay bad news until after the 2010 election.

Solyndra is still winding its way through bankruptcy courts. The company filed for bankruptcy last year, having burned through more than $327 million in federal loans which are now unlikely to be repaid.

Last October, Beacon Power, recipient of a $43 million federal loan, filed for bankruptcy and was delisted from Nasdaq.

Also Thursday, FirstEnergy announced it was closing six coal-fired power plants, four in Ohio, the others in Maryland and Pennsylvania, due to new Environmental Protection Agency rules.

The closures will affect 500 workers.

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He's still going to be re-elected. Especially if the Republican candidates keep fighting with each other.
No doubt he gets re-elected... Obama in a landslide. Romney will spend about a billion dollars and still lose. The splintered religious-right cant coelesce around one candidate (Gingrich) because he is unelectable and a serial alduterer. Santorum-just plain crazy.

There are too many people with thier heads buried in the sand. I always marvel at folks who get only what they want to hear out of a story. Here I have posted the rest of that saga. Mitch Daniels (From my state of Indiana) is the mark. Hes gonna have a bittersweet Super Bowl next sunday watching the protests (hes a Union buster) in the state capitol of Indianapolis. Occupy and organized labor rallys I bet. Ill be at the game!

WASHINGTON -- Republicans are pouncing on the bankruptcy of yet another alternative energy firm that got federal aid -- but the company, battery-maker Ener1, was also backed strongly by Republicans.

Ener1, which makes electric car batteries, filed for bankruptcy protection Thursday, citing the failure of one of its top buyers, the electric car manufacturer Think.

But Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), a harsh critic of the White House's alternative energy and green jobs efforts, quickly seized on the news as evidence of the failure of the Obama administration, mocking the president's State of the Union pledge to continue pushing alternative energy policies.

"President Obama was prophetic this week during his State of the Union address when he casually remarked, 'Some technologies don't pan out; some companies fail.' Unfortunately, you can now add Ener1 to the growing list of failed companies that went belly up after hundreds of millions of dollars in administration backing," Stearns said in a press release on the House Energy and Commerce Committee's website.

The committee is investigating the administration's attempts to boost alternative energy technologies, including the high-profile bankruptcy of solar panel manufacturer Solyndra.

"Sadly, the Department of Energy's jobs record seems to grow worse by the day - first Solyndra, then Beacon Power, and now Ener1 - and it is American taxpayers who are paying the price," Stearns said in the release. "One bankruptcy may be a fluke, two could be coincidence, but three is a trend. Our investigation continues, and we are working to ensure taxpayers are never again stuck paying hundreds of millions of dollars because of the administration's risky bets."

Ener1 got a $118 million grant from the federal government in 2009. But it also got extensive aid from the Indiana Republican governor who delivered the GOP response to Obama's Tuesday address -- Gov. Mitch Daniels. (Indiana)

Daniels' administration granted the firm, which makes its batteries in Indiana, more than $7 million in tax credits, and praised it effusively.

"Eight hundred fifty jobs of any kind is great news," Daniels said at the time, in August 2008. "When those jobs are in a technology of tomorrow, like electric cars, it offers the prospect of even bigger news to follow. Indiana has what it takes to lead this automotive revolution and today is step one." (Daniels stars in the Ener1 video below, even holding up a paperweight that declares "Love.")

Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar (R) was also a strong supporter, as was Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.). "EnerDel is the wave of the future. Its cutting edge technology will help relieve our dependency on foreign oil," Burton said in October 2007, using the name for one of Ener1's units.

Lugar went so far as to call on Obama (or whomever turned out to win the White House in 2008) to keep pushing for technologies made by companies such as Ener1.

The firm also had backing from George W. Bush's administration, (Daniels) including winning defense contracts and significant work from Bush's Department of Energy and the United States Advanced Battery Consortium.

It is only in the last couple of years that Republicans have been so opposed to green energy. The Huffington Post has reported that many Republicans have actively pursued Department of Energy projects for their districts.
The splintered religious-right cant coelesce around one candidate (Gingrich) because he is unelectable and a serial alduterer.

Unelectable because he's a "serial alduterer"? Seriously? That didn't seem to be an obstacle to getting elected to public office (many times over) for FDR, JFK, RFK, Teddy Kennedy, James McGreevey, Gary Hart, John Edwards, or Bill Clinton among many others on the left side of the aisle.

Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means trying to imply that politicians on either side are perfect, just trying to point out that it's ridiculous and factually incorrect to say that someone is unelectable because they have committed, or are believed to have committed adultery. FDR, the Kennedy brothers, and Clinton are all icons of the Democrat party and they didn't have a problem getting elected, despite their despicable personal behavior.

Hell, Ted Kennedy killed one of his mistresses, Bill Clinton raped a woman, and former DC mayor Marion Barry (D) was busted served prison time for purchasing and smoking crack cocaine and was still elected to public office again after he got out of prison.:banghead:
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Trac?? Your exampleas are weak... plus this is the G.O.P. we are talking about.. The supposed "family values" party. Gingrich is most definately un-electable in the eyes of the religious right. He is the candidate, but it aint gonna happen this time. Marion Berry?? Come on! HAHAHAAHA

Republicans are pouncing on the bankruptcy of yet another alternative energy firm that got federal aid -- but the company, battery-maker Ener1, was also backed strongly by Republicans.

Then the article goes on to name the Governor of Indiana, an Senator from Indiana, and a Congressman from Indiana as being strong support by Republicans??? That example is very weak when implying that there was "Strong Republican support". The company was located in Indiana, and all of the politicians mentioned are from Indiana...Getting any business into Indiana to provide jobs for Hoosiers was all they were concerned about.

They had no say in Ener1 getting the money. That is the sole discretion of the Department of Energy run by an Obama cabinet appointee with the mandate to give the money to any company working on alternative energy products, with little or no concern about the financial stability of that company. This same DOE director has continued to refuse to comment as to why all these companys receiving money from DOE have gone bankrupt and why they received all this money just before they went belly-up?

In the case of Ener1, the company is owned by a Russian company who also tried to get $135 million but was denied, only because they were trying to get money to complete a phase of the work that Ener1 had previously confirmed had already been completed?

I smell a rat and most of the American people smell a rat, even if you don't.

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