Another Trac er saying bye bye

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Oct 2, 2001
Reaction score
Sidney, BC
I didn't think I would get rid of my 04 ST, but with a 3rd kid now and a Nanny, we decided to get a 04 F150 supercab. The Sport Trac was a great vehicle, much better than the 01 Sport Trac we started with. The lease is up on the 19th of this month and I am giving the keys back to Ford.

I will still lurk this board from time to time as others that have got rid of their Sport Tracs have stated before. I still feel that they are a great truck / SUV, just no big enough for us.

The sad part was taking all of the aftermarket stuff off to make it back to stock, most stuff has sold locally, so I hope to see some of my stuff still rolling around town.

Bye for now.
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I traded my 04 Sport Trac for a 05 F150 STX 4X4 4.6L 2 weeks ago. I miss the space that the Sport Trac had in the back seat, but it was just me riding in it and did not need something that big.

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I am not gone and most of my "goodies" went to a guy in Sooke. I still check out every ST I see, even the new ones that I think are pretty awesome. And as I say, I still check this site out.
I like the bed on the STX's. I think the F-150s are sharp, but the normal square box looks weird to me. I'll be looking at one of those when I come back to the US, as long as Ford doesn't do another redesign and mess it up. If they do, I'll probably get a Tundra or Silverado.
I also look at every st when im driving and i wave to some if i get the chance, you may have seen my little green machine bush guard with big driving lights on it and now its got a magnaflow as well, if you do see me give a wave, I'll wave back. Hope the guy out in Sooke likes all his new goodies.

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