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Simple routine maintenance to my pc keeps it running stong. (Kinda like a vehicle). Macs may not need as much maintenance, I don't know. I do know that my father in law's mac and my sister in law's mac have both locked up on me on more than one occassion. I agree though, that windows is kind of ugly, but there are various things out there to "mod" it with. Windowblindz, cursorxp, stylexp, etc. Plus, pc's aren't limited to just Windows. Yes windows is the most popular, but for the truely rebellious, there are more Linux distros available FREE, and LEGAL, than there are supercharged tracs!!;)

Anyway, macs are great systems too, it's just a matter of taste and personal choice on what you use. If everyone used the same computer, it would suck. Company's would not care if they built a good system, or good parts, because they would still be making money because no one would be buying anything else, and well, that would just suck. :)
I use Windows XP Home and haven't had a crash for months. The last time I had problems was a stubborn worm that took a little while for me to kill.

I was actually giving you ****, Baron, not trying to be actually hateful. (sorry, I do have a mean streak that rears its ugly head every now and then).

Some of my University professor friends run Macs and I like to give them **** too. I also point out how they don't have a clue what goes on in the real world (they agree and say they like their world better!)

I really wish they had a PC that was forever upgradable with non-proprietary parts, and the software, OS, and hardware companies were not all in bed with each other to continue to make their **** obsolete so that we wanted to upgrade every year or so. THAT REALLY BLOWS!
Baron IV: Average user has 5 crashes per week? Where did you get that info?

I run a mix of Windows O/S's. Several running XP, one still running Win98SE.

I might get a crash once every 3 months, and that's only if I'm trying beta software and do something stupid.
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I have a PC at home with Window's XP and it has never "crashed" since I purchased it and did freeze up once when I was working on the internet. I just take care of it. However, I am required to use a Mac at work and have experienced the "wheel of death" on more than one occasion (and that's only this week!). As for the OS on each, they both have their individual querks - some I like, some I dislike. When I purchased my PC, I had the option of getting a Mac instead to make working at home a little easier, but I just don't like it. That's my opinion. As if everyone were waiting for me to chime in. :lol:
oh yes......they LOVE it. When I sit at the computer they think "oh goodie!! It's play time!"

And, even with the cats abusing my poor computer, it still runs better than my Mac. Hahaha
I had to put in a password on my computer to keep my dog off it. She would order things off the internet while I was gone. Bones, chew toys, you name it. Don't ever give your pet your credit card number.
The debate about mean time between OS failures is interesting, and here is a tool that helps to measure that: WinUp.exe, an uptime displaying application for Windows:
I'm not just a mac zealot, I have some AMD systems too, I just despise winblowz. I prefer linux/unix. If you have a PC that never locks up, you are the only person in history to every have such a thing! The "average" windows user experiences 5 crashes per week. I haven't had a crash in 4 years from any of my Macs.

I have a Mac Mini and it crashes all the time, and locks up when it goes to sleep. I have to unplug the wireless USB and plug it back in to get the wireless to work. I think it has just as many issues as my XP machines do, but at least I feel comfortable fixing my Windows machines...
See, here's my take on windows crashes vs mac crashes... there are more windows users, thus there will be more complaints about windows crashing. Less macs=less complaints, and we all know how loyal our beloved mac fans/users are, so maybe they just keep their problems with their macs to themselves??
Yeah, Ryan. Those ashamed Mac users keep their shame to themselves and don't talk about their problems when they realized what a mistake they made by going against the flow of the rest of the world.