Any Philadelphia Flyers Fans out there?

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Given that I am a Philly area fan I can tell you that Forsberg is now a bum! We love most all the players while they are here, but as soon as they are on their way out...GOOD RIDDANCE....BUM!

And what does this have to do with Recalls and Service Bulletins? :eek:
DanG -- Gave up nothing??? 2 former first rounders plus a first and third round pick next year for a guy who can leave at the end of the season. Most of the comments I hear are we gave up too much.

Go Preds!
first round picks dont mean that they are gonna be good or great just gives players a place in the draft. What is the value of a player that can bring you to the promised land and sell out your arena? Preds have young talent and they can learn a ton from him in the next few months....thats the value that you gave up for him.
It wasn't to much a surprise to me. He wants another cup win and so, he got traded to one team that has the best chance to get him one. Does he deserve it? Not the way he played or the lack of play. (been nusing that sore foot all year) The Preds gave up to much for a has-been in my opinion. I'm just glad to see my Pens are finally showing some grit. To bad they might not be here next year. If they leave I will be done with Hockey. Just doesn't seem right to here of the Pens being anywhere else.;)
My bet is that Forsberg will re-sign with the Flyers after seasons end, just Mark Rechi did with his previous team not too long ago.

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