anybody have an 07 with transmission problem

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Mine had the sloppy 1-2 upshift and lightly had the hard downshift. I had the TSB done at 5,000 miles and it did real well for 3-7 days then the hard downshift came back. It downshifts much harder and noticable than before the TSB. The sloppy 1-2 upshift went away though. I'm taking it back for 10,000 mile service soon and will complain about that and a couple other items. I hear there may be a new TSB coming out soon per a prevous post and that an updated mechatronic(?) helps out sometimes. I have given the ST and the TSB adequate time so I'm gonna start going back repeatedly until it's corrected. I have never had a tranny on a new car feel this weird. I've had some old clunkers that acted about the same! I think this is going to be an issue in the future. No wonder FORD only offers a short warranty period from the factory....maybe they know something we don't?

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i am frustrated as you with the tranny issue. for a vehicle that msrp's" at nearly 40k, the tranny is sub-par quality. as you i am going to have to take mine back for the same problem the dealer first said there was no problem !

at least for a company that is on thin ice, the issue should be resolved. it doesn't help when the service manager has that " i am doing you a favor " attitude when you suggest that this is an ongoing problem. based on my past fleet service experience this is the opposite of what type of service i get with my toyota and infiniti fleet. with them i get excellent warranty service in a very quick turn-around time. the ironic thing of this is that the vehicles were not purchased at the dealer i have perform warranty repairs !
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i am frustrated as you with the tranny issue. for a vehicle that msrp's" at nearly 40k, the tranny is sub-par quality. as you i am going to have to take mine back for the same problem the dealer first said there was no problem !

The part that scares me is that I notice quality has gone down while CR says it is better than before.

I will take my 2002 over a new Trac. Even with 90,000 miles.

I think Ford has somebody on the tranny line that really works for the competition! :lol::) I just never know.

Good luck to you both..really I mean I hope the issues get fixed.
Caymen says:
The part that scares me is that I notice quality has gone down while CR says it is better than before.

Makes one wonder, doesn't it.

Is it possible that the defect rate has remained the same, but the number of STs sold per year has increased. Clearly the total # on the road, across all years, keeps going up, and the avg age/mileage of the ST on the road goes up.

As for 50K being a short warranty period, given that a vehicle SHOULD be free from major issues well beyond 50K, it clearly isn't LONG. Yes, for the industry, it isn't short, but I think most people have an expectation that a vehicle should be free of major problems up to 100K miles.

Is it possible that the defect rate has remained the same, but the number of STs sold per year has increased.

I will be interested to find out for sure, but I think the sales of the new ST is lower than the 1st generations.

My understanding is that the Engines are made in Germany, and the transmissions are made in France...You can make up your own jokes to go with that ! :D

The problem is that the slipping and shifting problem has been in the Ford electronic automatic transmission for years and hs never been completely resolved

The length of the warranty is not a real issue. If Ford does not fix the tranny problem, or enough people know of the problem, you will lose money on the resale value of the vehicle. Also, the delaerships just don't know how to fix the problem because the Ford exec's do not want to shell out the money for repairing hundreds of thousands of transmissions. If the word gets out to the general public, Ford will never survive. They have ignored this problem go far too long. Had they really cared about their customers they would have done something long ago.

Again, Ford is taking the cheap way out and rolling the dice hopping that it doesn't blow up in their faces.

Wow, Richard.

A very indicting post there.

I agree with you. There is a big problem here, but Ford fails to recognize it. It's not a new problem, either.

When I had the reflash & mechatronic assembly replaced back in April/May, I haven't had a problem with the tranny. Replaced at appx 7K miles. I just turned over 14K, with still no problems. Guess I've been lucky (knock on wood . . .).

It sounds like you caught the problem early enough that it was repaired before the slipping damaged other internal parts....Only time will tell.

Well, I plan on keeping my ST till it gets 130,000 or so miles on it. At my age, this may be my last vehicle. I'm glad I got the extended(75,000 mile) warranty. I intend to do all I can to assure I don't give FORD any reason to void anything under that warranty. The tranny is a good reason to have this although I didn't realize these issues from the test drive.

For a V8, I feel this thing is a dog in the lower gears and sometimes when I kick it down to accelerate, it just S-L-O-W-L-Y accelerates and other times it will really wind FAST! I feel this is mostly the transmission because it's not a steady problem. It's like it depends what gear the tranny is in as to how the motor runs??

If the transission seems odd years from now, I will most likely dump the ST and go back to GM...or buy used? I love the ST but it has a couple issues and I don't feel FORD is very responsive for a vehicle that cost $30,000 plus. I have emailed and called FORD and have basically not seen too much concern considering I just bought a fairly high dollar vehicle from them. I even got so frustrated with one of the reps that I slammed the phone down and haven't even tried to contact them again.

The dealer has been fairly good to deal with so far.

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For a V8, I feel this thing is a dog in the lower gears and sometimes when I kick it down to accelerate, it just S-L-O-W-L-Y accelerates and other times it will really wind FAST! I feel this is mostly the transmission because it's not a steady problem. It's like it depends what gear the tranny is in as to how the motor runs??

Gary, I agree 100% with you. Sometimes the ST will downshift to 1st gear, and sometimes it won't. It is quite doggy for a V8 when it will only shift down to 2nd gear and you have to wait for the engine revs to get back up the torque curve. I'd love to have a manumatic paddle shift option for the ST, or even better yet-- Ford should put a manual transmission 6-speed in them as an option. Trucks always seem better with manual transmissions.

Yes, I have an 07 with 10k miles on it. I've had it in probably six times for various shifting issues. I'm lucky that my service tech seems to genuinly try to fix it. The last time in they had the truck for a few days changing out some do hicky in the transmission. The problems back. I called him and he was out of ideas and TSB. He said when I bring it in for it's oil change he'll check into it. I don't get my oil changed there so I'm waiting to see if it gets worse.

The worst shifting problem to date was going down the freeway at 60mph it decided to shift down to the wrong gear. Big clunck sound. I continued to my off ramp and stopped at the light. Realized right there that I could barely get the truck going. It was felt like a slipping clutch. Barely got home and pondered how I would get the truck to the dealership. Decided to unhook the battery for 15 minutes and see what happened. Seemed to work as it was drivable again. I tell this story incase someone finds themselves stuck along the side of the road with what they think is a shot transmission.

I hope they find a fix for this. What's the chances of using the lemon law? Mine had problems early on.
I am at a little past 12k and have not had any real issues with the transmission. There are times when it downshifts to 1st gear after coming to a complete stop that it feels like getting hit from behind but that has only happened a handful of times. I do notice that it is rare that it actually downshifts all the way to 1st gear. It seems to start out in 2nd gear more often than not. That probably has as much to do with my being afflicted with Ohio Rolling Stop Disease as anything. I also find myself shifting the trans "manually" quite a bit. By that I mean I tend to use the floor shift to control what gear I am in as well as the shift points. I also use the OD button to lock it out of OD under certain situations such as ascending or descending steep grades. I've also been known to downshift all the way to 1st gear when coming to a stop. If I need to accelerate quickly such as entering a freeway on ramp I have found that leaving it in Drive and stomping the throttle works much better than trying to control it with the shifter. So far none of this seems to have caused any degradation of the shift quality, knock on wood. :blink:
I took my 07 in about 3 weeks ago. They said a new flash relase was to be out mid November. I checked and now it's avaliable. I'm headed back in next week to get the new flash. We'll see.
