As GM said I just want to break even, but I will rebuke your comment anyway, because it is clear you feel like arguing, even though the forum topic doesn't say "Hey TJ, what do you think of people who want to make money off of other people?"
Think a bit about what you are saying. America is a capitalist society. It has always been a capitalist society, and yes, capitalism means sometimes someone will attempt make money off of someone else. Don't pretend like this is a new thing, don't pretend like you are not in every way ingrained in this capitalist society that you so eloquently called "what used to be the greatest country on earth," and don't pretend like those that do attempt to make some money are in some way evil.
Oil companies raise gas prices. Why? Not because of any so-called crisis. Because they can make money off of you. You still buy it, don't you? What if someone really wants to drive and see their family for a weekend? They buy the gas. If they can't afford it, they don't go.
Concerts are a luxury. They aren't a necessity. Thats why people can sometimes sell concert tickets at a profit. Every corporate tier of a concert production makes a profit, not because they are mean or bad people, but because they are capitalists, just like you and I. Ticketmaster, record companies, venues, artists, and promoters all make money on concerts, paid for by people who want to go to the concert. And yes, sometimes people may buy their maximum allowed amount of tickets on Ticketmaster and attempt to sell them, because they were there at 10:00am on some Saturday morning ready to buy them, and someone else wasn't. People will go to concerts that they want to see if they can afford it, whether the tickets are being purchased through a corporation or an individual. If they can't afford it, then they don't go.
Feel free to call it taking advantage of some poor person who really wanted to go to a concert, but couldn't because some horrible person bought 6 tickets instead of 3. If they really wanted to go, they would pay the extra that others are selling their extra tickets for, or they would have been there when the tickets went on sale.
Welcome to the greatest country on this earth. :angry: